Good Thing That Terrorists Can’t Wait Another Week Or Two

The terrorism threat that prompted the U.S. government to close nearly two-dozen embassies and consulates surfaced when intelligence analysts intercepted electronic communications between top al Qaeda leaders, CBS News’ Bob Orr has learned.

Lots of useful idiots in the press taking the NSA bait.

Al Qaeda chief Ayman al Zawahiri and Nasir al-Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), were discussing “something big,” sources say. It’s rare for veteran al Qaeda leaders to break operational security by openly discussing possible plots, and the interception stunned U.S. officials.

U.S. intercepted al Qaeda communications – CBS News

Good thing these guys were the only two people in the world who didn’t know that the US was listening in on their phone conversation.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Good Thing That Terrorists Can’t Wait Another Week Or Two

  1. Shazaam says:

    That knowledge will sentence the NSA to spending all it’s time chasing it’s own tail from now on.

    Since everyone knows they’re listening, keywords in all conversations are gonna be the order of the day. Generous sprinkles of NSA keywords in every innocent conversation means the NSA will be buried in terminal data overload. And the folks up to no good will invent their own codes using rotating, innocent keywords used for only a very short while. Rendering the NSA phone conversation collections into a total waste of time and tax-money.

    That and I’m encrypting even the most innocuous emails just to wave a flag at the NSA data collection bull…. Let them spend a month decrypting my email to my accountant with that number he wanted (40+ character passphrase). It will frustrate the NSA goons and hopefully drive them completely nuts.

    Couldn’t happen to nicer folks either.

    • Billy NZ says:

      Hi Shazaam,I like using those keywords too.What are the most effective ones?We have the Waihopai spy station here in NZ spying on us too.They need to be given some work instead of sitting on their cuffs all day.LOL

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

      Shazaam is right. within a day or two of the 911 attacks the NSA had the tapes of bin Laden being briefed on when the 4 attacks were to begin the following monday. It all sounded innocent. You would have to have known what his plans were in advance to take action to stop him.

      Receiving information of this type and in the manner it is received is like trying to drink water from a fire hydrant. There is just too much information coming out of the pipeline at one time for analysts to make heads or tails out of it. The only way to make sense out of this type of intelligence is to have the phone number, the name, and the physical location of the suspect in the system, and the analyst sitting beside the tape recorder with his ear phones on.

      There is a better way now to break codes and it doesn’t involve hacking or guessing your decryption pass word. You use a computer program to decrypt the message by converting it into open text. The version of the message that a human can read is the right version.

      But fear not, a New England man was recently confronted by 6 DHLS types and 3 SUV’s because his wife Goggled “pressure cooker” and his son Goggled “The Boston Marathon” In the real world of terror that is like so yesterday. God, I hope these Barney Fife types don’t have a bullet for their gun.

      “Michele Catalano was looking for information online about pressure cookers. Her husband, in the same time frame, was Goggling backpacks. Wednesday morning, six men from a joint terrorism task force showed up at their house to see if they were terrorists. Which prompts the question: How’d the government know what they were Goggling?”

  2. TomC says:

    Sometimes the Orwellian nature of Obama’s America is just too much to bear.

    O, what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive indeed.

    Right now the Obama loving Leftist Media (can’t really call them The Press anymore since they fail to live up to that moniker) are in collective self-righteous indignation of the American People for daring to challenge the necessity of the domestic datamining operation (yes, this would be the NSA) as they figuratively wag their media fingers at us. But how are so many details getting out of what was intercepted? IT’S BEING LEAKED! There’s a covert Snowden-type or, what I believe, these are intentional leaks intended to not only create passive indifference in the minds of those marginally attached to the issue of VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION (for crying out loud) but also bolster support for the program from the drone followers of Obama and the in-the-know big government, tyrannical, totalitarian types; give them some cover to espouse their desires for micromanaged society. But while all this is going on in the media attempting to link this security issue with the NSA there seems to be this massive collective brain drain amongst the talking heads that these intercepted communications are apples to the NSA’s domestic spying program’s oranges. One deals with international communications between parties of which are both on foreign lands. The other deals with domestic civilian communication between parties of which both are here in Obama’s America. And there’s the irony.

  3. geologyjim says:

    Let us not forget that Thursday 8/7 marks the end of the “holy month of Ramadan”, during which faithful Muslims worldwide renew their allegiance to the seven pillars of Islam, donate food (properly slaughtered according to ritual throat-slitting) to the poor, fast all day to cleanse and focus their minds on further enlightenment, … … … oh, yes, and plot to kill the infidels!

    It’s remarkable how this “Religion of Peace” works and how once-free Americans are forbidden to question it during the reign of King Barack, son of Frank Marshall Davis and acolyte of Bill Ayres and Saul Alinsky.

    We may slow the jihadis down this Ramadan, but next month includes 9/11 and another opportunity to render a “Benghazi blast” to interrupt Barry’s golf outings.

  4. Gamecock says:

    When the Obama Administration received credible threats to the Benghazi embassy, they did nothing. They let it be attacked, even forbid defending it, and allowed Americans to be murdered.

    As the Obama Administration now receives credible threats to embassies, they take the action of closing them. Which I guess is an upgrade.

    Counting on intercepting messages is not an embassy security program. Closing embassies when rumors of attacks are heard is not a security program. Closing embassies when the calendar says to is not a security program. It appears that embassy security is the last thing Obama wants. They should not be reopened without suitable security. I have no doubt that they will be just as vulnerable when reopened.

  5. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    Yea, al Qaeda is on the run all right. They running right up Obama’s 6:00. DON’T LOOK BACK BARRY, al QAEDA IS CLOSING IN ON YOU FAST!!!

    What else do you call closing 2 dozen plus diplomatic missions and running away except retreating?

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