Has Global Warming Ruined Popular Music?

During the ice age scare of the 1970s, popular musicians actually had talent and knew something about music. A concept which has been almost completely lost due to excess CO2.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Has Global Warming Ruined Popular Music?

  1. Actually it is not the non existent global warming that did it. It is the total disintegration of the mind that leads to believing that what passes for modern pop music is anything other than noise. The primary cause of that disintegration is state controlled “progressive” education from K to PhD.

    Students are taught what to think rather than how to think. They are taught what to say rather than how to communicate. They are universally taught to submit to authority no matter what.

    The acquired skill of mathematical derivation and computation is no longer an approved activity. It is much too difficult for non-functional minds and far too dangerous for the state. After all, that would enable people to understand they cannot consume that which has not been produced (aka there is no such thing as a free lunch.) and would know that all government welfare programs are based on extortion, theft, and fraud.

    • gator69 says:

      “Students are taught what to think rather than how to think.”

      Exactly the problem I have pointed out for years. I also call this the cruelest form of child abuse, as it is never ending.

      It’s time to lock the federal government out of our schools.

  2. Hugh K says:

    Global warming causes beliebers….

  3. Yoshimura Maroko says:

    Man, I miss them. I remember them from before they were popular. Yes, music has changed. It reflects our greater society. Ersatz, shallow, insipid, vapid, etc. It was fun while it lasted.
    “The sub-normals had been outbreeding the super-normals for generations….”

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