Honest News Releases About The Climate Are Not Expected During The Next 48 Hours

ScreenHunter_505 Aug. 28 17.28

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Honest News Releases About The Climate Are Not Expected During The Next 48 Hours

  1. tom0mason says:

    But will any of the MSM report on this –
    August 28, 2013.
    A severe winter storm hit Alaska’s Brooks Range on Wednesday, stranding numerous trucks on the Dalton Highway amid heavy drifting snow.

    or this –
    August 28, 2013.
    Peru’s government has declared a state of emergency in parts of the southern Andean region of Puno that have been hit with the coldest temperatures in a decade.


  2. Andy DC says:

    There are a couple of clouds they could name.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Shock news: US scientists admit cooling over last decade caused by La Niña.
    Some scientists have escaped from the CAGW loony bin.

  4. WPBHurricane05 says:

    The NOAA boys are getting desperate, as they now have a yellow circle over Africa. The sucker won’t even move over water until Friday, and they’re already getting ready to name it.

  5. miked1947 says:

    I am still getting Hazardous weather warnings for normal weather conditions!

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