How Is John Kerry’s “Middle East Peace Process” Coming Along?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to How Is John Kerry’s “Middle East Peace Process” Coming Along?

  1. miked1947 says:

    Him and Skeeter have it all worked out and it is going as planned! Skeeter will get his second Peace Prize next year, however he will have to share it with Muslim Brotherhood, Al Queda and Kerry.

  2. bobmaginnis says:

    As long as the majority of US politicians continue to vote to send billions of our tax dollars to Israel with no conditions, the Zionists will continue to build settlements and burn Palestinian olive orchards. Kerry was never an honest broker for peace.
    “Undermining the Middle East peace process”

    • As long as the Palestinians plan to ethnically cleanse the Jews and drive them into the sea, they have no chance of being taken seriously as civilized human beings.

      • bobmaginnis says:

        Steve, so you must be happy that Kerry is doing nothing. BTW, about driving ‘them’ into the sea:

        • The British intercepted many thousands of Jews attempting to get into what would become Israel via these harbors, and “repatriated” them back to Europe’s refugee camps on ships at gunpoint, just like the picture shown.

          It would be more compelling for the poor Palestinians if they did not rely upon pictures that may actually be showing Jewish refugees to justify jihadist attacks now. Not that such behavior, and such horrific propaganda as is taught in Palestinian schools, is defensible. These people have been manipulated for decades by Arab powers (and kept from finding new homes) to play out this game, and their hatred of Jews goes back far earlier than 1948. Read any of the documents on this issue from the League of Nations in the 1920s, for example. That gutless group was oh-so-civil in its discussion of Jews slaughtered by Muslims merely for being there.

          Every attempt to reach agreement is accompanied by Palestinian jihadists ramping up the terror attacks. They do not want peace. And they do not get my sympathy.

          ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  3. Chewer says:

    The Arabs love their swords and man-o-man do they know how to use them.
    The recent utterance “Let Allah Sort It Out”, shouldn’t be out of the question.
    Barbaric people do not recognize the year of 2013 as anything particularly important (civilization wise) in the grand scheme of things…

  4. David says:

    And they do not get my sympathy.

    ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
    Nor mine, or any rational person who has looked at b oth sides of the issue.

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