Huffington Post Reader Explains The Science Behind Global Warming

ScreenHunter_462 Aug. 27 18.29


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Huffington Post Reader Explains The Science Behind Global Warming

  1. Anything is possible says:

    “Trust worthy politicians”


  2. Andy Oz says:

    There is more evidence for the Loch Ness creature than there is for CAGW!
    In other news: NASA labelled as “Nessie Deniers”!

  3. Andy Oz says:

    More Science behind Global Warming.
    I think that “science” can no longer claim to be evidence based.

  4. Sundance says:

    David Nutzuki aka mememine drives the climate blame believers (his term) blogs crazy. He seems to be quite the character.

    • I “met” mememine in early 2010 (if memory serves) among commenters on USAToday articles on global warming. He explained he had believed the global warming alarmists, but had finally rebelled against the constant, apocalyptic fearmongering that made him worry about his children’s world. I can’t find our comments among my files at the moment, but I think he thanked me for helping him free himself from the alarmist beliefs. It was gratifying, and an almost unique experience (certainly at the consensus-bound USAToday), for me to get his positive response.

    • Eric Barnes says:

      I admire his tenacity (second only to our host of course 🙂 ).

  5. gator69 says:

    Sarc tag missing.

  6. phodges says:

    Pretty much nails it.

  7. slimething says:

    Yahbut, weren’t we told global warming….errr….climate change was accelerating? Now they say it is slow?

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