It Is That New Kind Of Thin, Rotten, Decayed Ice – Which Doesn’t Melt In The Summer

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to It Is That New Kind Of Thin, Rotten, Decayed Ice – Which Doesn’t Melt In The Summer

  1. miked1947 says:

    It has special properties that it received from all the extra CO2! 😉

  2. Jimbo says:

    It’s because it flippy floppy ice. Or is that Wibbly Wobbly Ice? 🙂

    Wibbly Wobbly Ice
    “We’ve nicknamed the thin ice ‘flippy floppy’ ice. It bends, bounces wobbles as we pass over it. There’s also a lot of movement, breakage and shifting in the ice this year. We’re all highly experienced, but we’re all in agreement that it’s simply the strangest behaviour we’ve ever seen.”
    Catlin Survey

    LOL. 🙂 What a bunch of insurance scammers.

  3. De Paus says:

    Summer temperatures in both the Arctic and Antartic region have been exaggerated because of thermistor warm bias.

  4. TomC says:

    I’m really intrigued as to how all that >1 meter ice (the north pole hole) refused to melt since June 1st

  5. TomC says:

    <1 meter ice, that should read.
    But yeah, how didn't that ice melt?

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