Just A Coincidence

It is just a coincidence that every secular government in the Middle East has collapsed or is about to collapse and be replaced by Islamic extremists since Obama took over the White House.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Just A Coincidence

  1. Jorge says:

    Here’s what I think: I think Obama was born in Hawaii, but sold himself early on as having been born in Kenya. That’s why he won’t release his Harvard records. This guy has no problem outright lying about something to get what he wants, he does it time and again as President. Second, I think he was born and raised a Muslim, but wasn’t a practicing muslim and converted to Christianity around the time he went to college or married Michelle. I wonder if those college records will come out after Obama leaves office.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      Maybe Michelle wears a burqa at home?

    • gator69 says:

      Converted to Christianity? 😆

      I guess you think ‘Rev’ Wright is a Christian? Keep dreaming…

    • hannuko says:

      I agree. He was raised by a white family and – surely enough – did not have a family history of slavery what would be expected from a black person in the US. I would guess that being black in the US comes with a long list of often unfair expectations about you, your family history and how you should view the world. Underlining his Kenyan roots was an easy way to get rid of those prejudices.

      I can actually understand that. It’s not like it was a big lie – his father was indeed Kenyan and the son of a german might call himself german even if he was born in the US.

      But all that became very embarassing when he got into the presidential race.

    • Obama doesn’t have enough character to practice any religion, or any religious faith to be more precise. He only takes sides, and only when he finds it convenient (nearly all the time now). He is a cult leader himself.

  2. Jorge says:

    Outside of Jeremiah Wright, what church had Obama ever attended?

  3. kuhnkat says:

    It’s Bushes fault. He didn’t call a Drone strike on the Democrat Jihadis convention while he still could.

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    This video by an Egyptian belly dancer was pushed pretty hard by canopfor at hotair as a must watch, and I agree. ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ????? … Hey Obama supports the terrorism!

  5. phodges says:

    The destruction is on purpose, and it started with Iraq and Yugoslavia. The takfiri jihadis is are useful idiots, doing the bidding of world socialism. America would also be on the list to be eventually destroyed, ala 1917 Russia or 30s-40s Germany.

  6. Jason Calley says:

    Big governments retain power only by convincing millions of people that unless they give their wealth to the government, some evil hoard of monsters will kill them all. No government will allow itself to lose power just because of a simple lack of enemies — not when it is so simple to create a new enemy.

    History, if you look closely, has instance after instance after instance where nations create and finance their own enemies. Nations do this to retain power. Bankers encourage and help defray the costs so that when the war breaks out, they can make loans to both sides at war-time rates.

  7. Jeffk says:

    The secular states were old style Arab socialist relics from the Soviet bloc. But it’s heartening to see the people rejecting Islamist regimes, now. A lot of that is due to the Internet and their learning how the free world lives.
    Sharia business law will be just as stagnating as socialism. Maybe Obama knows this.

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