Killing Two Birds With One Stone

I expect to see a big drone strike to end the terror threat this week. Then illegal spying and illegal drone attacks will both be justified, and Obama will be a hero!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Killing Two Birds With One Stone

  1. R. de Haan says:

    There is also financial news from Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten and Zero Hedge about HSBC closing state accounts which could be a precautionary measure in response to a pending fiancial crises: and

    This is one big smoke curtain, that’s for sure.

    • I feel sure Obama put the word out to “play this threat up now by closing our embassies”, and it’s not really the work of good, solid, intelligence (a.k.a., “necessary spying”) by the NSA — it’s classic Obama supersized misdirection strategy: “grab the narrative, with an extreme, audacious action, and force it where you want it to go”. America’s first Black Megalomaniac President.

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