Latest View Of Walt Meier’s Blue Arctic

One thing that all scientists who study sea ice agree upon is that under increasing temperatures, the overall long-term declining trend will continue and some summer in the future, we will look down on the North Pole and see a blue Arctic Ocean. It’s not a matter of if, but when.

Are scientists conservative about sea ice? | Icelights: Your Burning Questions About Ice & Climate

Arctic sea ice is very close to its minimum for the year. Here is the current view of the blue Arctic Ocean, looking down on the North Pole.

ScreenHunter_270 Aug. 15 18.06

EOSDIS Worldview (Alpha)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Latest View Of Walt Meier’s Blue Arctic

  1. gregole says:

    When indeed Walt. Clearly not now.

    You sounded quite confident. You must have a pretty good idea. Loaded dice; warmer all things being considered equal; and other sciencey-sounding qualifiers.

    So When Walt. When do we look down and see Blue? Please answer with a date or range of dates, not some vague number of years. And please; no poetic allusions to grandchildren. I want to know When.


    Your boss,
    A Taxpayer

  2. @NJSnowFan says:

    I must be color blind? Looks all white to me. Hmmm

    It must be all that fresh white snow blinding my eyes..

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Walt Meier is a first class dunce. Walt – Please return all academic qualifications to their points of origin. Most of them obviously came out of a Weeties packet. And stay off the MSM because you are not helping your religious cause.

  4. gator69 says:

    My baloney has a first name
    My baloney a second name
    It’s M-E-I-E-R…

  5. Andy DC says:

    I am sure that Walter does not lack for material possessions and will have a wonderful retirement by having been a loyal servant to his masters as a Useful Idiot.

  6. Martyn says:

    The big question is why is the arctic colder this year ? There looks to be a lot of low cloud in the picture (higher albedo than normal).

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