Grant Him His Final Wish

Any volunteers to grant this man his dying wish?

ScreenHunter_27 Aug. 07 12.48

I think he should have the opportunity to face his victims, while they are armed as well as he was. Then he can find out what a hero he is, shooting unarmed people.

Workplace violence.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Grant Him His Final Wish

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Why did they arrest him and care for him medically (including rehab for paraplegia due to a GSW)?

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Time to initiate a Firing Squad Lottery. Say $10 bucks to enter, they pick 10 winners, all the money goes to the victim’s family.

    10 identical rifles, 5 with regular rounds, five with blanks, stand up firing line, 30 foot range, 1 wooden stake, black bag over the head and a white aiming circle over the heart

    I’d by a bunch of tickets,.

  3. Mike D says:

    I’ve never heard anyone explain why it has taken this long to even reach trial. This happened 4 years ago.

  4. geologyjim says:

    Seriously folks, why indeed are we even staging this spectacle of a trial. He’s guilty, he admits he’s guilty, and anything that stands in the way of his summary execution is just goddamned PC BS.

    I’d suggest we line up Hasan and James Holmes (Aurora CO theater shooter) and this little Sigg sack of poop (abducted, killed, and dismembered a 10-yr-old girl in suburban Denver) at one place and time – – – and invite victims and victim-family folks to pull the trigger on bazookas.

    Three for one. Efficiency in justice.

    Provide food for vultures (they need to survive the bird-chopper windfarms, after all)

  5. BobW in NC says:

    Executing Hassan is exactly what he wants…in his religion, it makes him a martyr (because he would have died for jihad), which, according to his belief, gives him instant access to the heaven promised by the Koran. Better to sentence him to life in prison in solitary confinement with no possibility of parole.

    • Feed him pork sausage and put him in a cell with other swine.

      • gator69 says:

        “Just before World War I, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the United States forces in the Philippines, by Muslim extremists. General Pershing captured 50 terrorists, and had them tied to posts for execution. He had his is men slaughter two pigs, in front of the horrified terrorists

        The soldiers soaked their bullets in the pig’s blood, and proceeded to execute 49 of the terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers dug a big hole, dumped in the terrorist’s bodies, and covered them in pig blood, entrails, etc. They let the 50th man go.”

        Much cheaper than repeated terrorist trials. No reward, no attack.

  6. Martin says:

    Steve, I generally see the world in the same way as you do.

    However I find the title of this post rather distasteful – Make a Wish Foundation are a great charitable organisation – I know this personally as they helped my 8 year old daughter and several of her oncology ward friends at a difficult time.

    Please would you take this post down or re-title it ?



  7. redc1c4 says:

    he’s paralyzed from the waste down, so put a 22 short through both wrists & elbows, coat him with bacon grease & pancake syrup, then drop him on top of a fire ant hill, of which there are plenty on Ft Hood….

    then just walk away.

  8. RCM says:

    I am not one who disapproves of capital punishment but I rather LIKE the idea of this guy spending the next 50 years in a wheel chair in a cell being carefully kept alive to regret his actions. Why let him become a martyr even or particularly in his own mind?

  9. Chris says:

    In Texas we use the needle- not sure what the military would use, but he needs to die and die Bloodlessly!! No virgins for you!!

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