There has been no global warming for 17 years, which means that none of the 17 year old seniors starting school this week have experienced any global warming during their lifetime.
They have however been endlessly propagandized by lies from Al Gore, Barack Obama and many others.
I don’t believe this.
You don’t believe what?
Go to WFT and observe the information for your self. If you still have trouble believing what is there then contact the provider of the information, RSS! Very Simple, but that may be over your head!
If you really don’t believe it, that is because you have been brainwashed by very little else but “global warming” propaganda in the media for the last 17 years.
you can extend that to University and conclude that they should do some real research instead of believing All Gored.
Steve, I’m trying to locate the post with pic of obama getting off airplane with book in hand and close up of book showing the title something like “post american world” by fareed zak… I wanted to show people, and i scrolled back to 8/5/13 and it wasn’t there. did it disappear ? can u repost it ?
Thx, GW
Here is a copy with more pics also:
Thx ! However, I’m slightly concerned that it does not seem to be on Steve’s site anymore. I thought the post was more recent than 8/5. I even used the search feature for “obama” and it wasn’t in the obama posts.
I recall seeing it but I do not recall the date, I am certain it is there but Steven may not have used Skeeter’s name. A picture is worth a thousand words and his name is not necessary with a post. 😉
Here is one for you:
And all current elementary school children have experienced nothing but global cooling.
Yes, isn’t it interesting. A child born in 2002 has seen nothing but global cooling. That child is now 11.
And a child born in 1996, who started school in 2002, throughout his/her entire period of school training to date has been taught about–scared to pieces about–a man-made global warming/climate change that never occurred during their entire lifetime on this planet.
Palpable irony.
Palpable Irony and Criminal Fraud.
Reblogged this on CACA.
Hmmm, my soon-to-be senior son saw -56 F. last winter and understands the importance of helping me stock our 12’X16′ woodshed over this summer.
The “Melting Alaska” theme is spectacular bullshit that fits well for only the most twisted & psychotic minds.
What happens next?
a) nothing
b) catastrophic global warming
c) Another little ice age
I think a) based on the failure of GCMs to be of any use and the low solar activity being too much of an unknown quantity to go for c)
And all school children know what snow is. 🙂
Yes and that also means that most university students that enroll to get a PhD in climate science haven’t experienced any global warming since they were in Grammar school.
They have experienced NOTHING BUT a warmed Earth for their entire life. For the longer time series, try:
August, 1936 was about 10 degrees warmer than this month. The kids are very lucky that the climate has cooled so much
You are cherrypicking summer 1936, but what was the climate? “Ironically, February of 1936 was the coldest such on record with an average nationwide temperature of 26.0° (single coldest month on record was January 1977 with a 23.6° average). In February of 1936 temperatures fell as low as -60° in North Dakota, an all-time state record and Turtle Lake, North Dakota averaged -19.4° for the entire month, the coldest average monthly temperature ever recorded in the United States outside of Alaska….”
Global weirding completely out of control in 1936 with CO2 at 310 PPM
BTW – the 1930s was much hotter than any decade since
..and Bob, you just cherry picked by leaving out the first of Chris’s article…..
“The climatological summer (June-August) of 1936 was the warmest nationwide on record (since 1895) with an average temperature of 74.6° (2nd warmest summer was that of 2006 with an average of 74.4°) and July of 1936 was the single warmest month ever measured with an average of 77.4° (beating out July 2006 by .1°).”
Bob’s kids are 34 year old seniors starting school this week
For global temps:
For USA temps:
“..the 1930s was [ NOT ] much hotter than any decade since.”
I come here when
puts up one of your stories.
You are quoting tampered GISS data to prove that the 1930s were cooler? ROFLMAO
of dear….no wonder you believe this crap
Bob, here’s what happened to your temps……
Bob, if you regularly visit, then you should be aware of exactly how far you can trust government employees and government data sets…
By my reckoning, you can trust ’em exactly as far as you can throw the Washington monument.
Bob, ,
You point out a 34-year period of time where you can show a warming planet during the satellite era. That era began after 3 decades of cooling, which you failed to mention. There was a 37-year cooling trend:
The warming portion on your graph (the first two decades) took place during 2 of the four hottest solar cycles on record (since the 1600s):
Since 2002, the sun’s activity has been cooling off:
During the same period of time, so has the earth:
How could anyone possibly blame any of these effects on the 4% of the total atmospheric carbon dioxide that is attributed to human activities? In good conscience, one surely cannot.
For decades, radiosondes and satellites have searched for the predicted trapped heat in the atmosphere:
Models show a ratio of 1.4 tropospheric warming in the tropics (the troposphere holding in heat and warming faster than surface), but the observations have a ratio closer to 0.8. The Hot Spot does not exist. (It has not been located.) The predicted hot spot vs. observations: Excess heat seems to escape into space as it always has (or, the actual climate sensitivity is so very low it has yet to be detected.
This must be why the models based on the expected hot spot have been so terribly wrong:
I don’t care how many surveys are given to scientists; the runaway GHG effect hypothesis is falling to pieces. Mama Gaia, solar science and geologists are winning this debate–whether or not any of them have the support of fascist governments is inconsequential to reality. Scientists should be looking for truth–not trying to prove their hypothesis.
Whenever we are ever able to calculate the real climate sensitivity of CO2, then we’ll have something. At such time I believe Richard Lindzen will be found to have been prescient and absolutely correct for what he said:
“Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.”
Before the satellite era, for 40 years, from the late 1930s to the late 1970s school children experienced NOTHING BUT a cooled Earth–some from childhood all the way to middle age.
The above was in reference to bobmaginnis: “They have experienced NOTHING BUT a warmed Earth for their entire life. For the longer time series, try:“
Umm, if there really has been warming for the last 17 years (as Richard Goodman seems to think), somebody on the AGW side ought to buy Trenberth et al a clue — isn’t he the guy looking to explain the “missing” heat by invoking oceanic heat sinks? “Hey, Ken, global warming hasn’t stopped, dude! Why are you trying to explain what isn’t going on?”
I don’t know one model from another, but I expect Trenberth does. As long as he’s still trying to explain a lack of warming then, hey, who am I to disagree?
Hoist on their own petard.