This month is so far one of the ten coolest August’s on record in Missouri. August temperatures have been declining since 1895.
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- conrad ziefle on On the Cover Of The Rolling Stone
Cherry-picked data. There’s a reason global warming is not called “Missouri August warming”.
120 years of cherry picked data. Did you learn that term in your useful idiot package you got from the White House?
As before, insults in the place of rational thought.
If I find a state / month combination that shows warming, will you take that as proof of global warming? Not any more than I will take your graph as proof of global cooling.
How about the other 300 or so similar graphs I have posted on this blog for other states and places all over the world?
You come here as a completely arrogant ass and make bold comments without bothering to do any homework.
Do you think this is Steve’s only post? Do you know what HCN stations are? Have you seen the historic record of all US HCN records? Have you noticed how it compares well with the prior charts of US T history, where the late 30s and early 1940s were the hottest on record? Do you know that the alarmist have neglected the global in CAGW, as the entire SH has barely warmed at all?
A word of advice, when you first visit a site frame your suspicians as questions, and be willing to learn.
“Politics Watcher says:
August 18, 2013 at 7:26 am
Cherry-picked data.”
Yes, because 1979 was the 4.5 billion year average. 😆
Cherry Pick much? The globe has been cooling for over 5,000 years!
It’s been my experience, low these many years toiling away in my dual positions of environmental geoscientist and hydrogeologist in the desert southwest, having made some pretty serious forays into paleontology and geohistory, that most (of the many) committed liberals that I’ve met along the way either don’t understand basic data gathering and usage techniques or just waft by the useful material, grabbing at whichever ‘choice’ pieces of data suits their needs – or furthers their political cause.
It staggers the mind.
With the name “Politics Watcher” that pretty much sums it up. Nothing like revealing what motivates you right up front.
PW– I bet you think science is done by consensus.
Yes, science is done by consensus, after you marginalize, then ostracize the “deniers”. My way or the highway. Just as they taught us in Scientific Method 101.
I think yo got the spelling wrong: PEE YEW!
Lot of people here prefer insults to rational inquiry. Can’t say I’m surprised.
Your comments impressed me with your level of cognizance. You do not even recognize compliments!
Yet another thing you’re wrong about. I don’t think science is done by consensus. And I also know that science isn’t on your side.
With the trail you’ve already left behind, you will have to show you don’t believe in consensus science if you care anything about credibility.
A one minute explanation by one of the top 10 physicists of all time about the key to science.
If you didn’t know it before watching that video, then you now know science is the opposite of trying to market or prove a theory (the trail behind you is a dead giveaway you did not). Consensus scientists are trying to sell their man-made hype-othesis, and you obviously believe them. SO you DO believe in science by consensus, whether you actually knew that or not.
Concerning your claim that the “science [is] on your side, unfortunately or you, that’s the language of consensus science; it’s political talk.
40 years ago we were told that GHGs would cool the world; for the past 30 it’s flipped. El Sol and Mama Gaia don’t give a hoot about the ignorance of the “experts.”
The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance
–Albert Einstein
Yet another thing you’re wrong about. I don’t think science is done by consensus. And I also know that science isn’t on your side.
it stopped…get over it…..move along……there’s nothing to see here
..and it was only 1/2 a degree to begin with
The only science that is not on our side is Pathological Science, Well maybe Political Science also which is the type behind IPCC and falls within the realm of Pathological sciences.
You are right.
I live in Missouri. This has been an unusually cool July and August.
Missouri farmers are a lot smarter than Al Gore, the UN, and the Academies of Science that tried to cover scientific fraud with Nobel Prizes.
Now that we know these groups lie, the historic record of lies can be traced back to the directors.
When the public realizes that they have been controlled by artificial conflicts and fears between groups – Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc., then the chains of tyrannical rule by deceit will be broken
Oliver K. Manuel
Sent from my iPhone
“Politics Watcher says:
August 19, 2013 at 7:10 pm
Yet another thing you’re wrong about. I don’t think science is done by consensus. And I also know that science isn’t on your side.”
So you have ruled out natural variability? If so, you would be the first.
What an ignoramus.