More Than Two Thirds Of The US Below Normal Temperature In 2013

ScreenHunter_239 Aug. 05 09.04

YearTDeptUS.png (688×531)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to More Than Two Thirds Of The US Below Normal Temperature In 2013

  1. gator69 says:

    That map is reading too hot for my area. We are cooler than the graphic shows.

  2. Jon R Salmi says:

    Here in the northern San Joaquin valley our temperatures have been running a little below normal, not above normal as the map shows.

    • gator69 says:

      Yes, and around here we have run WELL below (3-7F) the observed average, and they show us barely 1 degree below. Shysters.

  3. nomad says:

    More data, please. How did you determine “normal temperature” and where did you get the average temperatures in your time span?

  4. oldgamer56 says:

    Bet if we compare to population density, the hot areas strongly correlate with dense population centers. UHI much?

  5. goldminor says:

    This coming winter could well be a cold affair for much of the nation. With a cool base like that to start with, temperatures could move rapidly downwards depending on how this winter shapes up.
    That extra sea ice in the south looks like it should have a cooling effect on ocean currents, especially in the strait between South America and Antarctica. Looking at the daily southern sea ice extent shows close to half of that strait ice covered, a record extent at that point…

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