- Guardiola moves to hostile fans in Munich
- Dempsey trades his career for cash, like Beckham and Keane
- Suarez joins the Fine Young Cannibals
- Rooney trying to escape Manchester
- Nani has no idea what he is doing
- Ricky Lambert finally gets to play for England
- Jose tries to relive his past
- Falcoa joins the finest team money can buy
- Rodgers wishes he was back at Swansea
- Bale trying to escape his slave masters
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- conrad ziefle on The Suffragettes
- Bob G on The Suffragettes
- Bob G on The Suffragettes
- Jack the Insider on A Serious Problem
- Bob G on Miami Drowning
- Tel on No Longer The Greatest Existential Threat
- arn on A Serious Problem
- william on A Serious Problem
- arn on A Serious Problem
- Terry Shipman on A Serious Problem
And Aldershot Town rise again from the dead and start the season today in the Conference away at Grimsby Town
Come on you Shots!