New York Thug Makes Good On His Colorado Influence Peddling Bribes

Bloomberg promised cash to Colorado Dems to betray their constituency, and he has proven again that he is willing to deliver.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has thrown $350,000 behind an effort to fight the recall of two Colorado Democratic legislators for their votes in favor of sweeping new gun control laws.  Campaign finance paperwork filed Tuesday and obtained by showed that Bloomberg wrote a personal check to Taxpayers for Responsible Democracy, the group fighting the recalls targeting Colorado Springs Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron, of Pueblo.

NYC Mayor Bloomberg donates $350G to fight Colorado recalls | Fox News

Bloomberg would like to see Colorado turn into the crime nightmare which New York City has become.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to New York Thug Makes Good On His Colorado Influence Peddling Bribes

  1. “They weren’t evil, they were just dangerously, criminally deluded.” That’s what the smug future will eventually say of the Bloombergs of this time. Meanwhile, we have to live through the insanity–and the evil.

  2. Charles Misterek says:

    I live just outside of NYC. Although it was crime ridden, ( I’m talking violent crime here), that is no longer the case. The two primary factors that changed this was David Wilkerson’s crusade to safe a city that was spiritually bankrupt and Rudy Giuliani’s tough on crime stance immediately following and supporting David Wilkerson’s spiritual efforts with his legal enforcement efforts. The only improvement I have seen under Bloomberg is he has fixed the potholes in the five boros.

    • Gun crime is way up in NYC in recent months.

      • Charles says:

        I will take your word on that Steven as I haven’t looked at recent stats, I just know its a far better place than it was 25 years ago. It wouldn’t surprise me though since the little Ceasar running this place, (that would be Bloomberg), is overly focussed on Soda pop and breast milk, and a lot of other things that should be none of his business.

  3. dinosaur says:

    Somewhere there is a campaign ad in all of this. Property of Bloomberg, bought and paid for.

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