North Pole : August 2013 Vs. August 1962

August 1962 : melted  (Arctic experts tell us that the ice was very thick in the 1960s)

ScreenHunter_265 Jul. 27 08.46

Seadragon (SSN-584), foreground, and her sister Skate (SSN-578) during a rendezvous at the North Pole in August 1962.

Submarine Photo Index

August 2013 : frozen solid

ScreenHunter_330 Aug. 17 08.22

11.jpg (1024×576)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to North Pole : August 2013 Vs. August 1962

  1. Buggy says:

    Question – is this from the same exact location, and can you cite evidence of such? Otherwise, it could easily be assumed that the two pictures are from totally different areas of the world. The first pic could be assumed to be at the edge of the frozen ice surrounding the N.P. Just a thought.

    I believe it by the way, BUT I have to allow for discrepencies as well. 🙂

    • Melted 1962 picture is at the pole. Frozen 2013 picture is 400 km south of the pole.

    • shazaam says:

      There is always the chance the government lied about the submarine rendezvous at the North pole. I don’t see a motive, yet there is a chance.

      So, if the government lied about that, then why should anyone believe what the government has to say about temperature data?? Especially given the government’s honesty track record??

  2. Brian D says:

    Next weeks weather pattern over the Arctic. This pattern may be locked in for a little while.

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