Northeast Passage Shipping Conditions Looking Sharp!

As long as you don’t mind your ship getting trapped in the ice.

ScreenHunter_275 Aug. 06 09.14

EOSDIS Worldview (Alpha)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Northeast Passage Shipping Conditions Looking Sharp!

  1. Wizzum says:

    Mainstream last first web site taken down?

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    This is the draggers chance to become one with the ice!

    • stewart pid says:

      Good post … where is it?
      Arr … shiver me timbers … you rowing land lubbers will be swimming with Davey Jones.

  3. stewart pid says:

    Steven … Reggie and his blow torch must be near by … that ice looks red hot 😉

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