Northwest Passage Still Blocked With Ice

The rowers were fortunate on July 23, when the hand of god guided them 30 km into a stiff wind with the GPS turned off, to get around point Tuk. It has been blocked with ice most of the time since then.

ScreenHunter_511 Aug. 29 06.44

ScreenHunter_512 Aug. 29 06.47

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Northwest Passage Still Blocked With Ice

  1. @njsonwfan says:

    No big deal, the USCGC Healy Ice Breaker is in the area to crush break up the first year and multi year ice. They are on a mission, Arctic Expedition Teachers at the North Pole
    Track the USCGC Healy while she crushes through the first year and multi year ice.
    Live daily pictures to follow their tracks aboard the Healy here and see what kind of Ice conditions are

    Supper Mann was spotted on the ice on day 10 Click on the image to enlarge it.

    I do believe Ice Breaking ships are the leading cause to faster ice melt in the Arctic. If it was not for the Ice breaking ships the Arctic would not be passable by shipping. Russia gave out 400 permits so large shipping vessels could travel along their coast. They have their fleet of Nuk powered ice breakers keeping route free of ice.

  2. Perry says:

    The rowers arrived at the pier just off Natik Street in Cambridge Bay at 21-09-34 on 28th August. Check Street View under the bow of the Martin Bergmann;,Cambridge+Bay,+NU,+Canada&gl=uk&ei=AkwfUpOUCKKX1AXL64GYAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CKQBELYD

    I hope they booked ahead for their rooms!

  3. CJ says:

    Perhaps the ‘science’ now shows that GPS devices control the wind, particularly since this has repeatedly occurred during the rowers’ (?) passage. Turn GPS off and the wind follows suit. Who knew!

  4. Brad says:

    They also state they are in the home stretch and getting close.

  5. Richard T. Fowler says:

    What is that, a volleyball game??

  6. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Sea Lift is about to start at Cam Bay. An annual Big Deal if you live in the Arctic.

    They will have to move their boat off that pier and they can expect to be ignored by the townies as the annual shopping spree is delivered to the town.

  7. @njsonwfan says:

    Multi year and first year Ice chart where the USCGC Healy is Goes with my post from above

  8. Perry says:

    Fred from Canuckistan

    Thanks for the info. I always enjoy learning something new.

  9. EternalOptimist says:

    Just read in the Irish Times that they have quit.

    sort of quitting. but without announcing that you are quitting. spin-quitting
    I just wish they would quit spinning

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