Obama Arch-Villain Of The Week Game

ScreenHunter_268 Aug. 06 07.24

Three weeks ago, people who didn’t worship CO2 were going to destroy the planet. Then skittle-seeking Hispanic/Jew racists were the big threat. This week it is someone named Al Kada who Obama killed twice in 2011.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Arch-Villain Of The Week Game

  1. I imagine that Skittles graphic with a bottle of Robitussin peeking out on the left and one of Watermelon Juice Cocktail on the right (and an itty-bitty Homer/Hansen with his axe underneath it all).

  2. shazaam says:

    That Al guy that Oh-Blame-Ya keeps killing is a ZOMBIE!!!!

    That will be the next terrorist alert!! Zombies are massing to eat your brains!!

    The zombies bypassed DC since there were no detectable brains to be found there.

    • miked1947 says:

      Obamacare is responsible for reducing hours and increase in part time jobs! The work hours remain the same over all, if not a bit reduced.

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