Obama Has Done The Impossible

Obama has managed to completely destroy US credibility, and simultaneously elevate Putin to being the world’s leading voice of freedom and temperance

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin is urging President Barack Obama not to rush into any decision on striking Syria, but to consider whether strikes would help end the violence and be worth the likely civilian casualties.  Saturday’s statements were the first from Putin since the suspected chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21.  Putin advised Obama to reflect on the results of U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq before deciding to unleash air strikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime.

Putin urges US to hold off on striking Syria – Houston Chronicle

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Obama Has Done The Impossible

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    USSA has had bugger al “cred” since? oh 9/11 as real determinator..then you followed with this gem of a pres.
    Putin and russias been looking rather sane n sound for quite a while
    sure they have corruption still, but hell I dunno any nation as corrupted by mil/industry etc as /merica is and has been for ..yonks. makes italy etc look rather good:-) in fact at least the Mafia had ethics and morals of a sort.
    we were taught to laugh at russian Agitprop at school.
    funny thing?
    now I am older I realise that, that teaching in itself WAS agitprop BY USSA and UK etc..
    we were so free n wondefful and clever shiny smart
    and they werent, they were supposedly a bit slow shabby and outdated.
    such a lot of good things we could n should have picked up on from them but we were too busy being smug.
    sure theyre not perfect, but hell neither are any of the supposed democratic free nations, less freedom here than there truth be told. 50 types of paperwork to do a damned thing to earn or live.
    even the thickest people I know are waking up to the hypocrisy of obamas dronekills of innocent kids
    this crap with syria is a clincher, as if Benghazi wasnt enough.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Although Putin often hits the news with total BS I agree with his views on the Syrian conflict. Unfortunately his views are not shared by the Globalists: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/31/syria-un-weapons-inspectors-leave

  3. JFB says:

    I think that Obama Has Drone the possible.

  4. beowulftoo says:

    How to win and conduct Face saving for POTUS. Quietly negotiate an area inside of Syria with the Syrians, the Russians, the Lebanese. The Iranians (and not the American public) where we can send our 200-300 tomahawk missiles (not a big area, maybe about 10 clicks square, with a big buffer zone). Then have the POTUS unleash his Hell on Earth attack on this area. This demonstration will prove to all (especially the American public and the POTUS) that he has fulfilled his threat. He will save face, Chris Mathews will point to the surgical precision of the strike and everyone will be happy.

  5. Don says:

    I thought you were gonna say he made John Kerry look good.

  6. reformedii says:

    A 7 year treaty violated after 3 1/5 years?????

    Look for it. I am also looking for some form of Rev 13:3!

    I am starting [well a few years ago] to get the uncomfortable feeling we are about to have Rev 13 confirmed to us.

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