Obama Has Sent Almost 2,000 Americans In Afghanistan To Their Death In “The Right War”

Obama’s limited, surgical Afghanistan war has killed almost 2,000 Americans since 2008.

ScreenHunter_573 Aug. 30 17.19

iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Obama Has Sent Almost 2,000 Americans In Afghanistan To Their Death In “The Right War”

  1. Greg says:

    Obama’s $400billion TAX Machine doesn’t even work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/08/why-the-400b-f-35-fighter-is-not-an-option-for-syria/

  2. Greg says:

    http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/how-tomahawk-cruise-missiles-send-message-syria-8C11022222 lolol NBC says they are really really smart before the Cluster bomb hits the Children

  3. scizzorbill says:

    Cannon fodder

  4. Tom says:

    US military nothing more than bullet catchers in Obama eyes

  5. Andy DC says:

    Basically, every war since Vietnam, every war has been a waste of lives. The “bad guys” simply waits us out, then as soon as we leave, they take over. We simply don’t have the will or resources to impose our will against a hostile population forever.

  6. stewart pid says:

    I wonder when they ask for his peace prize back?

  7. Kuhnkat says:

    The ugly part is his ROE’s are killing many more than otherwise.

  8. Chewer says:

    Not to worry, he’s given them more weapons in just the last 11 months than all contributing nations combined over the last 5 years.
    The American death count is certain to rise anytime now!

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