Obama’s Presidency In Total Collapse

Everything Obama has touched has turned to complete crap, so he is focused now on the ingenious strategy of controlling the weather by attacking Republicans.

What a world class wanker.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Obama’s Presidency In Total Collapse

  1. Chewer says:

    He and his fellow pieces-of-shit are just behind a tad in getting their plans fully implemented.
    Given a bit more time, they’ll complete the task!

  2. bkivey says:

    “Everything Obama has touched has turned to complete crap”

    This is known as the SADIM touch.

  3. Unfortunately, one of the things Obama has touched is half–more or less–of the American electorate. And they have dutifully become, for now at least…crap (although personally, I prefer the anti-bacterial term “insane”).

  4. James Anderson says:

    As long as everyone does not pay income taxes and have a vested interest in the tax rates those in power will continue to stay in power.

    We need a flat tax 10 percent rate with no deductions that everyone must pay no matter what your income is. This make everyone have a vested interest in whether the tax rate can be increased.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

      What James A. fails to recognize is that what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander. All that is liking now is enough time for Obama to totally crash the system and then as in the movie “Solent Green” the government will have no choice but total collapse or else begin murdering millions of people on disability each year just to feed the living on food stamps, and at the same time the government must get real about borders by laying a belt of land mines around the country that a gopher couldn’t cross. The problem is not that there are too many who aren’t paying anything, the problem is that too many (both rich & poor) are getting too much. This is true whether you are the CEO of GE, or a homeless person. I would gladly pay 50% of my income in taxes if I was insured of a 500% tax free payment for services rendered, a rebate, a kickback, a drawback, a business consulting contract or grant to invent the next solar panel, wouldn’t you?

      Until there is a total collapse at least as severe as the one in Greece or Spain nothing will change. This flat tax crap is just a lot of pie in the sky scented hot air being blown up your kilt by what amounts to a 5th grade debating society. Another thing, ALL tax exempt organisations should be disbanded and their assets seized. Most of them are nothing but stealth Politburos anyways. The Kellogg, Carnage, Ford, Rockefeller, Harvard, and other “charitable” foundation are neither “charitable” nor are they foundations in the strictest sense of the word. Instead they are living, breathing, financial mausoleums dedicated to monetary incest. Did you notice that Barry didn’t sick his IRS hounds on his liberal charitable foundation friends?

  5. Larry Fields says:

    The time is ripe for Congress to appoint a Special Prosecutor — provided that a sufficient number of Congressional Democrats have backbones.

    Ironically, if there are criminal convictions and a successful impeachment, it’ll be about illegal NSA spying. Not about treason — as in Operation Fast and Furious, and Benghazi.

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