Obama’s Sons Stand Their Ground Against 88 Year Old War Veteran

ScreenHunter_415 Aug. 26 09.36

ScreenHunter_416 Aug. 26 09.37

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Obama believes that troubled black teenagers should carry guns, apparently so that they don’t hurt their hands beating senior citizens and neighborhood watch people.

I just ask people to consider if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?

– Barack Obama  July 19, 2013

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Obama’s Sons Stand Their Ground Against 88 Year Old War Veteran

  1. Latitude says:

    Blacks and black leaders have been setting the stage for a race war for a while now…
    …starting with setting the president up as black…and everyone that disagrees with him is a racist..and they have turned everything including voting and crime into a race issue

    You can’t claim low information voters….and at the same time claim they haven’t been molded into this thinking…..there’s no accountability on their part….it’s always someone elses fault….and that someone are whites

    There’s not one single black person of working age, in the work force today, that has not had preferential treatment….jobs, education, housing, welfare, etc….it’s never enough

    Nothing good can come of this

    • Andy says:

      I think you might enjoy living in 1930’s Germany rather than today. Of course it would be Jews who, to misquote you

      “There’s not one single Jew person of working age, in the work force today, that has not had preferential treatment….jobs, education, housing, welfare, etc….it’s never enough”

      Go think about your racist views and how history has shown these sort of views lead to very big problems indeed.


      • Latitude says:

        thanks Andy…I knew someone would call me racist
        That’s the fall back position when there’s nothing else to say……..

        Jews did not have leaders inciting them to kill Germans

      • David says:

        I had no idea that Germany had special laws helping Jews sget edeucated and hired that did not apply to the rest of the population, as welll as a host of political advocates ensurinfg that they wsere dependent on the government dole. Looking to be informed

      • Latitude says:

        Go think about your racist views ….

        Andy, there’s not one thing I said that’s racist….

  2. Andy says:

    “Obama believes that troubled black teenagers should carry guns”

    But so do you Steve , as you are always quoting

    “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    So do you stick with that, or do you have “apart from” ? When it suits it seems….


  3. Don says:

    The race war is here and has been for some time only the big media ignores it. While plying uup a sad but non story in the Zimmerman affair.

    A Chicago police officer is hospitalized in serious condition with a fractured skull, a victim of black mob violence.

    The as-of-yet unidentified officer was responding to a call early Saturday morning when he found dozens of people in the street, creating mayhem. He immediately called for backup, but instead of waiting for reinforcements, went to the assistance of a woman under attack.

    The mob turned on him: He was struck on the head with the bat.

    “No one tried to help him or stop the attack,” said one Chicago police officer. “That happens a lot: Mob violence. No assistance. If anything, most of the people are either participating or encouraging the violence. Not trying to help.”

    What the stories do not report is more important, say two Chicago police officers: The crowd was black, missing from all the news reports.

    “Maybe the paper did not know,” said one of the officers. “Or maybe they did not think it was important to note that fact because it happens all the time. Or maybe, as usual, Chicago media does an awful job of reporting racial violence. Never reporting it because they think that would be racist.”

    Get the book that documents what the media won’t tell you: hundreds of episodes in more than 80 American cities since 2010, where groups of blacks are assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, shooting, stabbing and killing victims.

    If the police on the beat are restrained from talking about the incident in public, the police blog Second City Cop is not.

    The popular website marveled at the naïveté of the Chicago Tribune for reporting: “It’s not clear if the officer was hit on purpose or accidentally while trying to break up the fight.”

    Said Second City Cop: “On purpose or accidentally? We’re going to go out on a limb and say if someone is wandering around Englewood with a bat, at one in the morning, they’re not looking for Rahm’s Midnight Softball Leagues. … They’re looking to beat someone, and it doesn’t matter who gets in the way. We charge people who shoot, maim and kill victims, regardless of who the intended target was.”

    Also missing from the story is context: “The story does not report that black mob violence against police in black neighborhoods is a regular and intense and dangerous situation,” an officer told WND. “This happens a lot: When we ride through the neighborhood, we are often greeted by black people pointing their index fingers at us as if they were shooting a gun. They shout: CCK. CCK. Chicago Cop Killer. Some have that tattooed on them.”

    Some of the violence against police is on video, as were the black mob attacks on police that followed a police shooting last year.

    Two officers were chasing a car of five suspected truck hijackers when they crashed. Four got away. One remained and was fighting with one officer, then advancing on another when he was shot and killed.

    Soon after, a crowd gathered, with several people saying the black man was shot for no reason and the cops were killers. The mob grew to the hundreds, and soon they were yelling profanities at the police, complaining of police brutality. They also threw “bottles, bricks and rocks,” said the Chicago Tribune.

    Jamal Moore, the dead man, had a long history of trouble with the law, including a 2006 arrest and conviction for armed robbery.

    “F— the police,” said one protestor on a seven-minute video of the disturbance. “They can’t do s— if we start a riot right now.”

    Several days after the riot, Revolution News reported that a flyer urging more violent action against the police was distributed in Chicago neighborhoods.

    Moore had “put aside all of his youthful habits and was getting things together so he could take care of his 4-month-old son,” said Revolution News: “When Jamaal’s mother asked the police what was going on, one cop told her, ‘Another n-gger dead.’ This, in a nutshell, is the racist and genocidal program these enforcers carry out for the system. The cops taunted the crowd with this s— and the people erupted with righteous anger right in the cops’ faces.”

    People were shouting, “We’re tired of this. We’re tired of them shooting down our kids,” and, “F— the police!” In the face of the guns and clubs, the people defiantly fought back.

    Despite the dozens of cell phone cameras capturing the action, not one captured a recording of police using racial epithets.

    Nevertheless, Revolution News said Moore was really a victim, not the violent predator police would have us believe he is.

    “It is the workings of the capitalist-imperialist system that produces killer cops and the mass incarceration of a whole generation of Black and Latino youth – over 2.4 million in prison,” said the paper. “We need a revolution to end once and for all the brutal, vicious oppression of Black people.”

    The officers say people who depend on local TV and newspapers are largely ignorant of the violence and racial slurs directed at white police officers on a regular basis.

    “No politician in Chicago will say anything about that, other than to say the people who were fighting with baseball bats need jobs, and that is why they are violent,” said one of the officers. “That is what happened last month at the Urban Violence Summit in Chicago with members of the Congressional Black Caucus.”

    The summit, broadcast nationwide on CSPAN, featured little talk about violence and lots of talk about racism and how unemployment are the real problems.

    “People have no idea what is happening out there,” both cops agreed. “And how it is going from bad to worse.”

    Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Race Riots to America”

    • miked1947 says:

      There is no “Return”! The problem has not yet been stopped, just kept hidden. I observed racial unrest in High School and off and on since. It might be allowed to simmer for a year or two but for the most part the tension remains.

  4. gator69 says:

    Shorty’s family and girlfriend have been receiving death threats. His girlfriend lived across the street and thugs broke out her windows last night.

    Where is Skeeter?

  5. greg says:

    Did Obama Mention this guy? How positive was this before he died? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l4h_2vBVwUA#t=130

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