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I think I have to agree with Dmitry Rogozon, Russia’s Deputy Primerie, that the US’s “Nobel Peace Prize winner” liar-in-chief is acting like a “Monkey with a Hand Grenade in the Middle East”.
Link: http://en.ria.ru/russia/20130827/182995837/Russian-Deputy-Premier-Calls-West-Monkey-With-Hand-Grenade.html
That’s great, but that also means the establishment leadership in Israel, France, and the UK. They are all urging action.
You have to wonder about the Israelis on this one…they are actually in the line of fire.
I am starting to think the resistance will let this one go, if it is just the promised two days of Tomahawks…it will have little military effect, and actually strengthen their position politically.
All bets are off however, if we make it a use it or lose it scenario.
If the rumored stockpiles of chemical ordinance are true. Do you think that the liar-in-chief considered what a war crime killing 10’s of thousands of civilians in the resulting, liberated gas cloud would be?
I’m betting that possibility has never crossed his choom-addled mind.
Never mind impeachment, I would hope the “Nobel Peace Prize winner” would face a Nuremberg type trial should his desired Syrian tomahawk strike result in mass civilian casualties.
After all, the buck stops at his desk. And with the NSA listening to everything, he cannot blame anything on an “intelligence failure” this time.
With Skeeter everything is “Intelligence Failure”!