Monthly Archives: August 2013

Obama 2007 : Dangerous To Overstate Syria Threat

“Let me just go to this particular point: Moving forward, with respect to assessments in threats in Syria, or North Korean or Iran, we can’t afford to cry wolf. ” “If we gild the lily and overstate our case,” said … Continue reading

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Some Of The Complaints Listed In The Declaration Of Independence

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. He is … Continue reading

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Scientists : Nine Degrees Warming In The Next 25 Years

Ellensburg Daily Record – Dec 7, 1988 Ellensburg Daily Record – Google News Archive Search We are at the half-way mark of that prediction, and only nine degrees left to go. And the non-existent hurricanes we aren’t having are 50% stronger than … Continue reading

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Understanding NOAA And NASA Temperature Adjustments

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” ? George Orwell, 1984

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Helping Out The Freedom Fighters

The rifle of choice for middle east freedom fighters is the Russian AK-47 The US military doesn’t use AK-47s, but it is purchasing 1.6 million AK-47 magazines – most likely for use by people like the Benghazi YouTube protester above. … Continue reading

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CIA 1974 : Global Cooling Brought Down Khrushchev h/t to omnologos

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Why NSIDC Had To Rush Out This Press Release

August 19, 2013 Arctic sea ice extent maintained a steady, near-average pace of retreat through the first half of August, making it highly unlikely that a new record low minimum will be reached this year. Nevertheless, there are extensive areas … Continue reading

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Lyndon Johnson And Harry Truman’s Civilian Napalm

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Obama’s Al Qaeda Troops Planning To Unleash More Death And Destruction In Syria

Opposition fighters across Syria are preparing to launch attacks that exploit anticipated U.S.-led military strikes Syrian rebels plan raids to exploit Western strikes – commander | Reuters Will Obama get another Nobel Peace Prize?

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Obama Has Done The Impossible

Obama has managed to completely destroy US credibility, and simultaneously elevate Putin to being the world’s leading voice of freedom and temperance MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin is urging President Barack Obama not to rush into any decision … Continue reading

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