Monthly Archives: August 2013

WWII General : “American poison gas production alone exceeds Germany’s”

Major-General Port, Chief of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Research Bureau ….. explained that American poison gas production alone exceeds Germany’s, and the total Allied production is vastly superior to the Axis.American secret gas weapons include a chemical mortar firing 2 shells a minute at an … Continue reading

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Chris Mathews Says That Hitler Didn’t Use Poison Gas

If you basically put down a red line and say don’t use chemical weapons, and it’s been enforced in the Western community, around the world – international community for decades – don’t use chemical weapons. We didn’t use them in … Continue reading

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Clinton White House Said That Half A Million Dead Children Was “Worth It”

Democrats didn’t believe that Saddam had WMD’s, but they were willing to let half a million children die in Iraq in order to get Saddam to give up the chemical weapons (which they didn’t believe he had.) [youtube=] Looks like … Continue reading

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Obama Says Morality Demands Action Against War Criminals Who Kill Kids

Children killed by drone strike 

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The Obama Commandment

Aug. 30, 2013 at 8:56 p.m.

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Armed Robbery Of A Convenience Store Would Be A “Limited Narrow” Felony

US considers ‘limited act’ in Syria I actually don’t remember the citizens of the US being consulted by Dear Leader. A lot us are considering “impeachment” however.

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Rowers Discover That Mark Serreze’ Linear Trends Are A Bunch Of Breathtakingly Ignorant BS

It turns out that climate is cyclical, not linear, and does not correlate with CO2. Our ice router Victor has been very clear in what lies ahead. He writes, “Just to give you the danger of ice situation at the … Continue reading

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CO2 Has Eroded 24% Of Alarmist’s Brains

Twitter / ClimateReality: Hurricane Katrina eight years …

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America’s Predicament Under Obama

Darkness On The Edge Of Town If I could take one moment into my hands Mister I ain’t a boy, no I’m a man And I believe in a promised land There’s a dark cloud rising from the desert floor … Continue reading

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Two Summers Since The Big Man Passed Away

They don’t do concerts like this any more.  Clarence Clemons’ solo at 4:20 [youtube=]

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