Monthly Archives: August 2013

Children Need To Be In School

What happens when the school district shuts down schools suddenly for no reason? Unsupervised teenagers get in trouble. I just rode my bike up to the top of the hogback ridge behind the CSU football stadium, where I watched the … Continue reading

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Could The Students Have Survived The Heat?

Poudre School District in Fort Collins cancelled school today because of what they called “unprecedented heat.” Weather Underground forecasts 88ºF  for the high today. Fort Collins, CO Weather Forecast from Weather Underground There have been twenty-five August 30 temperatures over 88ºF since … Continue reading

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In Praise Of The World’s Smartest Scientist

‘ Twitter / MichaelEMann: Being stalked by …

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Gallup Poll Finds That 45% Of Americans Have No Clue What Is Going On

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

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Large Increase In Western Arctic Ice Since 2004

Green shows ice present in 2013 which was not present on this date in 2004. Red shows the opposite. Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor Note the increase in Beaufort and Chukchi Sea sea ice since 2004. This is important because essentially all … Continue reading

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Louisiana Much Cooler Than It Was 100 Years Ago

The graph below shows maximum temperatures at all Louisiana HCN stations which have been continuously active since 1910. Afternoon temperatures have dropped dramatically in Louisiana. Note that 2013 is already near the bottom, and still has some of the coldest … Continue reading

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The Leftists Have Finally Figured Out Obama

It took them five years to figure out that Obama is incapable of telling the truth, and that the press corpse are imbeciles. The fabrications and duplicity put before us as Washington prepares to “respond” to the latest savagery in … Continue reading

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100% Of Climate Models Overpredicted Temperature Rise

Climate scientists have repeatedly demonstrated that they don’t understand the climate, yet they want us to believe their latest crap about missing heat at the bottom of the sea. STILL Epic Fail: 73 Climate Models vs. Measurements, Running 5-Year Means

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Socialists For War

Syria strike still “on the table” in France after U.K. lawmakers yank Britain out of Obama’s coalition – CBS News Just following in the footsteps of the German National Socialist Party from the 1930s. In 1939, the French paved the … Continue reading

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Nebraska Was Much Hotter During The 1930s

68% of all 110ºF readings at all long-term Nebraska HCN stations occurred during the 1930s. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ Hansen says that the 1930s heat was impossible, because he believes that his mindless theory and limitless arrogance trumps reality. We conclude … Continue reading

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