Monthly Archives: August 2013

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. Obama has as President created a new … Continue reading

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Educating The Breathtakingly Ignorant

In recent years, relatively little multi-year ice has drifted out the Fram Strait, and high Arctic summers have been below normal temperatures. Obviously the multi-year ice is going to build back up under these conditions, as it has been doing … Continue reading

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Greenland Used To Be Ice Free

One of the biggest canyons in the world has been found beneath the ice sheet that smothers most of Greenland. The canyon – which is 800km long and up to 800m deep – was carved out by a great river … Continue reading

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Obama’s Predicament

If he goes ahead and bombs Syria, he will get impeached and start WWIII. If he doesn’t bomb Syria, he will be a laughingstock. Amazing how Obama’s blithering incompetence has elevated Putin and Russia back to world prominence.

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What A Fantastic Week!

The global warming scam is in full collapse, as is Obama’s credibility at home and abroad. Perhaps we can put sane people in charge soon, and cut off funding to the crooks and lunatics who have been making policy.

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Shock News : Arctic Melt Has Reversed – The Global Warming Scam Is Toast

The North West Passage seems to be reversing its recent warming trend and is threatening to end the dreams of dozens of adventurous sailors. A scattering of yachts trying to transit the legendary Passage are caught by the ice, which … Continue reading

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UK Parliament Gives Mindless US/UK Leaders The Finger

British lawmakers on Thursday rejected a measure that would have given preliminary approval to military intervention in Syria, in a major setback for both British Prime Minister David Cameron and the Obama administration. British lawmakers reject military action in Syria, … Continue reading

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Alternate Syria Strategy

I suggest sending Joe Biden into Syria with a double barreled shotgun. He can fire two blasts up in the air, and the conflict will be over. [youtube=] h/t to Okie

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Question For Obama

You has been claiming that a key part of your agenda is to get Russia to rid themselves of nuclear weapons. Do you believe that starting a war with Russia will help this agenda along?

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My Guess Is No

Twitter / suzyji: Greenland hit 79 degrees last … h/t to Marc Morano

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