Psychotic, Deluded, Bigoted, Community Organizer With His Finger On The Nuclear Trigger

Elections have consequences. What could possibly go wrong?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Psychotic, Deluded, Bigoted, Community Organizer With His Finger On The Nuclear Trigger

  1. Chewer says:

    Narcissistic, egotistic, spineless and completely worthless to humanity, and let’s not leave out his low IQ and his unnatural fear of independent people and those that will fight to the death for their and their loved ones freedom.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Obama painted himself into a corner by drawing a red line, taking no action when it was crossed before, and having a weak posture against the old Soviet KGB leader in Russia, esp. pertaining to their satellite state Syria.

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Barry’s Travelling Amateur Show . . . Guaranteed to tighten any sphincter that needs it.

  4. minarchist says:

    Obama does not need this distraction. He needs to stay focused with his war on the Constitution.

    • planet8788 says:

      And here I thought he’s still been maintaining a “laser-like” focus on jobs.
      Do golf courses have Constitutions? Is that where he wages the war?

  5. R. de Haan says:

    Obama turned the US quicker into a fascist plantation economy than Mugabe destroyed Zimbabwe. We should almost pay the Russians to nuke the place.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Read this article as it not only reveals
    our Saudi friends screw up the Middle East in concert with Obama but also what their connection is with the Chechen terrorist ad therefore the Boston Bombing:

  7. phodges says:

    The previous two Republican presidential candidates are MORE hawkish than Obama.

    If either McCain or Romney had been elected the shit would have already hit the fan. I almost voted for McCain just to see the lunatic destroy us that much faster.

    • planet8788 says:

      I voted for him hoping he’d die. I’m not convinced Romney was that much of a hawk. He talked the talk of a hawk at times, but down deep I sense some pretty doveish tendencies.

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