Question For Obama : What Is The Official Fear Of The Hour?

Are terrorists going to come get us? Is extreme weather going to come get us? Are NRA members with assault rifles going to come get us? Are bitter people who cling to guns and religion going to come get us? Is the fiscal cliff going to come get us? Are traditional marriages going to come get us? Is George Zimmerman going to come get us? Are climate deniers going to come get us? Is CO2 going to come get us? Is freedom and the Bill of Rights going to come get us? Is not enough spying on us going to come get us? Is not enough drone strikes on civilians in the Middle East going to come get us? Is Edward Snowden going to come get us? Are tea party members going to come get us? Are dangerous libertarians going to come get us? Are Republicans going to come get us? Is freedom of speech going to come get us? Is not enough illegal unskilled workers going to come get us? Is public debate going to destroy the climate and drown New York?

Perhaps you should start a hope and change website, where you list the Obama fear of the hour. You can tweet the latest Obama fear which is supposed to keep us dependent on your infinite benevolence.

How did America survive for 250 years without your infinite lunacy?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Question For Obama : What Is The Official Fear Of The Hour?

  1. gator69 says:

    “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”

    Obama is fear incarnate.

  2. shazaam says:

    Given he has no idea of what to do, Oh-Bomb-Ya is copying FDR.

    FDR’s economic program of the month, each and every month, is credited with preventing an economic recovery from the Great Depression. Businesses had no idea what to plan for, since everything would change next month. While WWII was credited with ending the Great Depression, in actuality, it was the fact that FDR was to busy war-mongering to meddle in the economy anymore that allowed the economy to recover.

    The dim-bulb-in-chief seems to have decided to copy the actions of the last communist president, and might be wondering why it is working just as poorly.

  3. Climatism says:

    Reagan reminds Obama and his supporters of what 250 years of America is all about –

  4. Robertv says:

    U.S. Army Buys Nearly 600,000 Soviet AK-47 Magazines

    Enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or NATO.
    The U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) made the request for the immense amount of magazines, which seems excessive for only research and development purposes.

    Chances are these magazines will end up in one of the numerous conflicts around the world.

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