Can anyone name a prediction which climate alarmists got right?
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We´re all gonna die!
LOL, thanks.
“It’s worse than we thought!” turned out to be spectacularly right. Even robust.
However, “it” in this case happened to be their credibility.
Agreed, you nailed that one-:)
Several: More rain, less rain, hotter, colder, dryer, wetter, more snow, less snow.
The one about more extreme weather. Extremely nice weather is extreme weather, after all. As in extremely few tornadoes and extremely few hurricanes.
Of course they got the sign wrong, but they usually do that.
Not yet, but the models say we will be in deep doo doo soon, or by the end of this century unless we mend our evil ways. Oh, wait! The models are worthless–never mind.
Fred beat me to it!! LOL
Is this a trick question? They say they don’t make predictions. They are “projections”
“The earth is going to over heat and the world is going to die.”
They got that part right, but the date is a little bit out.
Not in 2100 but in about 7 billion years from now, Earth will be dragged from its orbit by an engorged red Sun & spiral to a rapid vaporous death.
We just have to wait around 7000002100 AD to see it happen. Not sure if it will be in the morning or afternoon though! Hopefully it’s after xfactor.
Funny comments!
But to be serious, there isn’t a single prediction the alarmist cult has gotten right. Ever.
The Alarmists that claimed the world is cooling in the 70s were right! Evidence shows the world has been cooling since about 5,000 years ago. Of course they were wrong about how long it would take adnd that we should expect short periods of warming thrown in to the overall cooling trend.
Al Gore said there was going to be climate refugees and he’s right.
Masseuses run for the border when they hear he’s in town.
Al Gore. . . . “I am going to run this global warming grift as long and hard as I can and expect to get really, really rich by just fearmongering about how bad CO2 is.”
That one came true.
“Mr Chairman and committee members…” In 1988, James E. Hansen correctly identified the people to whom he was delivering his testimony. That was the first and only correct statement he has ever made on the subject:,d.dGI&cad=rja
James Hansen totally predicted he would be arrested!!!! What a sage!
“Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it.”
The weather will be variable.
The chill in the republican electorate – via a visit ‘rinos’ – will assure Obama a 2nd term.
Damned android self-correction! Should read ‘vis a vis’ :-*
There will be weather all over the planet.
They predicted that if they hyped dangerous AGW/climate changiness that money would be thrown their way.
“I’m certain this grant money proposal will be funded because the study is designed to support AGW/climate change.”
The climate will change!