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They might be able to reach Cambridge Bay by tomorrow if weather holds. The sail boat with the Aussies is close also and the Kayak with the Firefighters is across the channel. It will be a race to be the first group to warmth.
Mike, I haven’t kept up with the other ones…
…does that mean that they are all FAIL!
The Aussies were only planning to travel to Cambridge Bay and the Firefighters have not declared they are quitting. The Firefighters are French Canadians from Quebec and I can not read what they post, but I track their movements here:
None of them are going to be able to make that left/north turn, right into the ice!
If any group could it would be the Firefighters. They have a Kayak that is light enough to portage and they have wheels for the Kayak. Their goal is to make the journey by rowing or walking and they were looking for people to contribute to a charity on a per mile traveled basis. I got that much out of Google translate.
With my crappy French I could not see any mention of quitting at Cambridge Bay and they just mention the wind slowing them and expecting to be there in several days when it calms enough to travel. If you go to their facebook page it translates for u.
I just watch their movement on the map. They recently posted a new location at their site. They are still moving and will be in Cambridge bay soon, as will the other two teams.
I looked and they are planning to go to Igloolik. I would think they plan to be at this for a couple of more months. From what I saw they are the best prepared to complete the trip.
I just looked at their homepage, revedeglace. ca and I don’t see anything about walking.
“Sébastien Lapierre et Olivier Giasson tenterons de réaliser la première traversée du Passage du Nord-Ouest en une seule saison en kayak de mer.”
They say merely that they’re attempting to make the first transit of the NWP in a single season in a marine kayak.
They packed wheels, that attach to the Kayak, for overland crossing, which they have already made.
“Suivez nous lors de cette expédition qui consiste à réaliser la traversée du Passage du Nord-Ouest en une seule saison en kayak de mer, de Tuktoyaktuk jusqu’à Igloolik.”
= follow us on our expedition to cross the North West passage, in 1 season, from Tuktoyaktuk to Igloolik.” …
on Monday 19th august, they sent a message/tweet ” Pas facile, mais l’objectif est atteint!” … not easy, but our goal has been reached …
as far as I can see, they have travelled about 40% to 50% of what they wanted to do …
but it might also be that CAGW has seriously shortened the North West passage since Amundssen …
here’s a chart … http://tinypic.com/r/ixw6cn/5 … (1st time I use this, hope it works … :-))
It worked and they are still making their way to their destination. On the 19th they stopped a couple of days for supplies. I found their Facebook page and translated with Google.
“which they have already made”
Then that would mean they haven’t stayed “en kayak de mer” for the entire route, correct? (Unless they have a motor attached attached to those wheels. 😀 )
They walked across a peninsula rather than going around in the early part of their trip.
I read about that, and about how the ice was blocking them. I was saying that’s not consistent with their stated objective which doesn’t include walking, nor rolling the kayak on wheels over land. Therefore they can’t claim the record they’re seeking if they walked.
Where is the blow torch that Reggie had promised us? The only heat there was came from his fat mouth and that proved insufficient.
Left/north turn into the ice……where do you get info or sat images showing this ice.
Resolution is pretty low on cryosphere image…….
What am I missing…..is there floating ice that doesn’t show in sat image.
The top of Prince of Wales Island and the Barrow Strait are blocked with ice and the seasonal minimum is about done, so unless they’re walking, they’d have zero chance of making it to Pond Inlet…
The rowers need the water to be ice-free in order to proceed safely – they already found that out the hard way back at Cape Parry.
Just beyond Cambridge Bay, no part of their proposed route is ice-free. :
Chewer, their route as laid out on their website does not take them over the top of prince of Wales and through the barrow straight…they are cutting through the Bellot Straight, when they go north from there, the sat image I posted shows that section of barrows straight ice free. Those sat photos also show the normal progressive loss of ice, which has not “turned” Yet. Unless there is ice not shown in the sat photo, I can’t see why their path is blocked by ice.
Steve the Canadian archipelago looks to have bottomed http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.12.html and the Beaufort is growing.
It may change / resume the drop but this also could be the base in these areas of the arctic.
It looks like about 35-38% coverage blocking the Bellot Strait on the 25th of August.
The key issue seems to be, not what’s at the strait now, but what would be there by the time they would arrive, if they chose to continue. It’s taken them nearly two whole months (minus 9½ days) to get this far.
Such a shame. It’s been great fun watching this clown car crash in action.
All along I have recommended that they stop the dangerous foolhardiness and go home,
…but they keep going.
Now I am recommending that they keep going.