Request for gun permits in Newtown set to double last year’s numbers: police
And the surge appears to be fueled by worried residents like 66-year-old Nancy Ellis, a soon-to-be gun-toting grandma who claims Connecticut’s draconian new gun control laws are infringing on her constitutional rights.
“The fact that they were reeling in and squeezing more laws made me think, ‘You know what? I want my gun permit,’ ” said Ellis. “I want to exercise my right.”
Request for gun permits in Newtown set to double last year’s numbers: police – NY Daily News
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Lets hope she doesn’t have shaky hands then. Most old folk can’t even drive cars properly never mind guns.
For instance
“Terry Dunlap, 73, …..”
If she gets a gun it will actually increase the chance of someone getting killed, probably one of her own family.
What complete bullshit.
If someone else in Sandy Hook had a gun last December, the kids would still be alive.
I am 66 and my wife is older, we both have carry permits. If you want to see how shaky we are just stop by and watch were the laser is pointed as the trigger is pulled.