Sea Ice Melting As Fast As Al Gore’s Waistline

ScreenHunter_21 Aug. 07 11.11

ScreenHunter_22 Aug. 07 11.12

Twitter / algore: Grim signs from @NOAA’s new …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Sea Ice Melting As Fast As Al Gore’s Waistline

  1. Fred Allen says:

    The Alarmists seem to have launched a pusch to influence Washington policy making. The proof is not forthcoming to support the pusch, so it appears as though lies told regularly and often are essential to getting the ball over the line.

  2. phodges says:

    NOAA’s own latest report says Seas rising at 1-2mm/year.

  3. Ray says:

    “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration climate study puts 2012 among the 10 warmest years on record ”
    Actually, according to their figures, 10th.
    It doesn’t sound quite so bad, does it?
    Also, what has happened to the

  4. Ray says:

    Oops, ignore the last partial sentence.

  5. DGP says:

    Countdown to Acrtic Gore Effect….3…2…1…

  6. Patrick Hannon says:

    RAFLMAO Steve, your sense of humor kills me!
    Hey, off topic, and I’m sure you’ve heard this, but Charlton Heston has a jewel of an oration …

    Patrick Hannon, Ph.D. Statistician

  7. Jimbo says:

    Will someone tell Al Gore that it’s summer and the Arctic melts each summer.

  8. Jimbo says:

    Will someone tell Al Gore that sea level has been rising for over 12,000 years and has been flattening in the last few thousand years. Furthermore, there is no evidence of an accelerations in the rate of sea level rise. Al Gore is such a fraud.

  9. geologyjim says:

    Steve –

    I think you’re off by an order of magnitude. The figure I saw was “18,000 Manhattans”

    Kinda like politicians confusing millions with billions. A billion bucks today is the chump-change of the 21st century.


  10. @NJSnowFan says:

    What amount S Hemisphere sea ice records!! Yellow line this year

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