The latest hysteria from California is that fire threatens a reservoir and 3,000 year old Sequoia trees which have survived hundreds of fires.
I’m pretty sure that water still doesn’t burn.
The latest hysteria from California is that fire threatens a reservoir and 3,000 year old Sequoia trees which have survived hundreds of fires.
I’m pretty sure that water still doesn’t burn.
Steven … climate change water may burn …. climate change seems to be very powerful magic π
You have not studied the latest Pathological Physics. We can ask Appell, he is very familiar with Pathological science. Hansen, Gore, Mann, Schmitt and many at NSIDC could also give us the answer. Maybe the Rabbit will give us the answer.
All the latest climate models show that it must burn. The 97% IPCC consensus results all depend on water burning to meet their trend lines!!
You must believe!
Al Bore discussing his conversion to true belief:
Once separated from Oxygen the remaining Hydrogen will burn. We need to send the Department of Energy there ASAP to develop Hydrogen fueled vehicles! π
Rotten water burns, hotter than it ever did before CO2 climbed over 350 ppm. (Only an incompetent, anti-science, racist, alcoholic, wife-beater doesn’t know this).
Water burns according to Ben Affeckless. Maybe Grace can transport us to the time when she was a 22 y/o package?
Water is made from rocket fuel, highly flammable gases, these people better run for the hills and fast. They are doomed, doooooomed.
First the forests burn and then water combusts. And if the burning water reaches the ocean, we will have the apocalypse the Mayans with bad watches predicted.
I thought Sequoia NEED fire as part of their life cycle. Man’s fire fighting regime has created the problem of fuel build-up leading to intense fires.
“The number of sequoia and deerbrush seedlings which germinate on the four plots are shown in the table. On plot 3, which burned the hottest, more than 40,000 sequoia seedlings per acre were found, while on the lighter burned plot 1, some 7,500 seedlings per acre were recorded. On the other hand, more than 6,500 deerbrush seedlings per acre were recorded on the lightly burned plot 1, with only 218 per acre on the heavily burned area. Not a single sequoia or shrub seedling was found on the control plot, while the three burn plots averaged nearly 22,000 sequoia seedlings per acre and more than 3,200 deerbrush seedlings per acre.”
They have to hurry up and frack under the reservoir so that methane will bubble up and burn the water.
Water may not burn but Adele can set the rain on fire!
When drillers take short cuts you can.
Methane occurs naturally, and can be found in well water. This is not unheard of in some areas, and common in others. Zzzzzzzz…..
Amazingly they think the soot which can be found in carbon water filters will pollute San Francisco’s water supply.
Personally, I think SOMETHING needs to pollute the SF water supply. Clean water has had no beneficial effects on the morons there.
Andy Oz,
they claimed the same in Pennsylvania. Turned out the people they used in the film had gas problems for years before the fracking which did NOT make things worse!!
The husband of that family worked for a heating oil company, so his livelihood was threatened by fracking. The EPA found no problems with their water. Just sayin’.
See: FrackNation.