Shock News : White House Announces That An Islamic Terror Attack Is Being Planned

This is shocking news, given that one normally occurs only once every eight hours.

ScreenHunter_274 Aug. 06 08.51

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World – One Body at a Time

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Shock News : White House Announces That An Islamic Terror Attack Is Being Planned

  1. scizzorbill says:

    scandal attention diverter

  2. shazaam says:

    It’s the best that the “nobel peace prize” winner can manage with all those scandals roiling about him. He’s consumed waaaaay to much “indian tobacco” lately. (aka choom 😉 )

  3. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    Mohammed says that it is best if you are not a cow, horse, donkey, camel or a woman if you live in a country that venerates the prophet. Because if you are … “Women are like cows, horses, donkeys, and camels, for all are ridden,”… Tafsir al-Qurtubi. Mohammed was silent about goats.

    Furthermore The Prophet said that…. “Dogs, donkeys, and women annul the prayers of men.”
    Dang, God help you if you’re a woman or a jackass, because Mohammedanism just doesn’t cut you much slack does it?

  4. Adam Gallon says:

    It only matters if they’re Americans getting killed.

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