Silly Kenyan Birthers

Four years before Obama was elected to the White House, Kenyans thought Obama was born in Kenya. What do they know about Kenya anyway?

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Silly Kenyan Birthers

  1. TomC says:

    Of course the real scandal was how Jack Ryan’s divorce records were unsealed by a Leftist judge in a result-oriented decision.

  2. bullright says:

    Rewally too many ironies here to mention. The campaign all about records….

  3. Don Allen says:

    He could have been born on Mars…his mother was, unfortunately, an American, and that is all that matters.

    • miked1947 says:

      He was raised in Indonesia, that makes him a citizen of Indonesia. He went to school as a foreign student. A US citizen can not go to college as a foreign student.

      • “He was raised in Indonesia, that makes him a citizen of Indonesia.”


        “He went to school as a foreign student.”

        I assume you’re speaking of Colombia U. Let me know when you have proof.

        • miked1947 says:

          You need to study the culture of Indonesia and their laws.
          His PR group made that claim.

        • I did. There is no document to support the Indonesia citizen claim other that a school transcript, which does not establish official citizenship.

          Same deal with Colombia.

          It looks to me like his Mother falsifying documents for Barry to give him whatever advantage she could.

        • miked1947 says:

          OKEY DOKEY! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  4. Lou says:

    Typical Alkinsky tactics by Obama…

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