Socialists For War

ScreenHunter_556 Aug. 30 05.47

Syria strike still “on the table” in France after U.K. lawmakers yank Britain out of Obama’s coalition – CBS News

Just following in the footsteps of the German National Socialist Party from the 1930s. In 1939, the French paved the way for Hitler to start WWII.

France persuaded Poland to postpone general mobilization until August 31, 1939 in a last ditch effort to dissuade Germany from war.

Germans invade Poland — This Day in History — 9/1/1939

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Socialists For War

  1. Stephen Richards says:

    Hollande is an idiot like so many socialists. Since taking power he has done everything possible to increase unemployment. Much like Oblarny, in fact.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Just waiting for the green light from his New World Order masters.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Isn’t it nice to know modern Adolf’s come in different colors?

  4. Money Jihad says:

    Socialists have been selling out their voters for a century. They’re supposed to oppose war because it pits workers of one country against the workers of another, while the capitalists supposedly get rich. I don’t know why any “good” working class socialist would actually vote for a socialist politician.

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