Summer : Snake Oil Salesman Season

Government climate alarmists engage in the same fraud and extortion, summer after summer.

ScreenHunter_467 Aug. 27 22.52

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Summer : Snake Oil Salesman Season

  1. gator69 says:

    My sincerest apologies to Martha and the Vandellas…

    Hansen In The Heat

    Callin’ out around the world, are you ready for a grand new cheat?
    Summer’s here and the time is right, for Hansen in the heat
    Hansen in Chicago (Hansen in the heat)
    Clown in New Orleans (Hansen in the heat)
    In New York City

    All we need is panic, heat panic,
    There’ll be panic everywhere
    There’ll be bullshit spoken, no records broken,
    Hansen in the heat

    Oh don’t you care about the polar bear, just as long as you despair.
    So come on every lie, he’ll unfurl
    Everywhere, around the world

    There’ll be panic, it’s Hansen in the heat
    This is an invitation, across the nation,
    A chance for sheep to bleat
    There’ll be moanin’ groanin’, and panic dronin’
    Hansen in the heat

    Philadelphia P.A., Baltimore and D.C now,
    Can’t forget the motor city,
    All we need is panic, heat panic
    There’ll be panic everywhere
    There’ll be bullshit spoken, no records broken
    Hansen in the heat

    Oh don’t you care about the polar bear, just as long as you despair
    So come on every lie, he’ll unfurl
    Everywhere, around the world

    It’s Hansen, Hansen in the heat
    Way down in L.A., every day, it’s Hansen in the heat
    Lets form a big strong lie, that we’ll all fry,
    It’s Hansen’ in the heat
    Across the ocean blue, alarmist coup
    It’s Hansen in the heat

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