Susan “YouTube Protest” Rice Says She Has It All Figured Out

Susan Rice, who says that Benghazi was a spontaneous YouTube protest, tells the UN to drop their Syria investigation because she already knows what really happened.

In an email on Sunday, White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice told U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power and other top officials that the U.N. mission was pointless because the chemical weapons evidence already was conclusive, officials said.

U.S., Allies Prepare to Act as Syria Intelligence Mounts –

Obama feels such a strong need to bomb people remotely from his game console, that he just can’t wait until the UN completes their investigation. Syria could attack the US any minute now.

* Remember, it is racist to question the judgement or motives of a black person

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Susan “YouTube Protest” Rice Says She Has It All Figured Out

  1. Chewer says:

    She’s experiencing an accelerated mental collapse and may beyond help from any traditional medications at this point.
    Also, all those derogatory drone titles given to Big O have taken root. Go Obombya Go!
    His of idea of “The Rockets Red Glare, Bomb Bursting In Air” will take on new historical significance…

  2. Chewer says:

    The simpletons in the media are asking and reporting all the right questions aren’t they…
    Within five hours (or sooner) after the tissue, blood and surrounding artifact samples reached the laboratories across the Mediterranean, everyone of power in the West were informed of the chemical used in the attack. We are five days + after the attack and you may ask yourself, why don’t we know and why isn’t the media asking.
    Never mind the absence of fact in who unleashed the attack or how, we must start a war that’ll take us deep into the future. If it gets bad enough, we might just need some good old curfew action right here at home, just for a starter…

  3. Perry says:

    It’s all part of this vast plan. DHS Is Preparing To Kill Millions of Innocent Americans.

    For the readers who do not think that the globalists who have hijacked this government will not hesitate to use deadly force against the American people who refuse to capitulate to the roll out and full implementation of the police state surveillance grid, then ask yourself why, since last year, The Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. Who could these bullets be intended for? Are there 1.6 billion terrorists preparing to board airplanes and use them as weapons?

    • DirkH says:

      Whenever a communist regime has taken power, they have subsequently killed off 10 to 30% of the population. This is what they mean with “class struggle”; and the people they kill are obviously the counterrevolutionaries. Marx was historically the first person that argued that a killing off of certain groups of the population was necessary to create the new man. He was an ardent believer in original Darwinism, which argued only about selection (not genetics; darwin did not know genetics and never talked about inherited factors).

      So, for a Marxist, killing off 10% of the population is really simply SOP. It doesn’t matter a lot whom; quotas are declared, and then the local communist bosses have to fullfill their quota.

      Chruchtchov once begged Stalin to raise his quota as he had already fulfilled it.

      As selection is necessary to create socialism, more selection is better, in the thinking of Marxists.

      Of course, similar processes can easily be derived for cultural Marxism – instead of killing people, kill parts of the culture; kill certain ideas. So we arrive at the PC movement.

  4. Glacierman says:

    It’s interesting to see them use the same techniques to stifle any discussion or debate on Syria, that they use on AGW. Listen to the statements – there can no longer be any debate; it is beyond any doubt, etc. etc., bla bla bla.

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