The Arctic Must Be Ice Free

Either that, or Mikey’s robust Arctic model must have predicted the huge increase in ice this year.

ScreenHunter_432 Aug. 26 21.43

ScreenHunter_433 Aug. 26 21.43

Twitter / MichaelEMann: @ClimateOfGavin @JohnRussell40 …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Arctic Must Be Ice Free

  1. Chewer says:

    Team Twisted are already complaining about being cold & wet, and I’d say they better be into Cambridge Bay before global warming catches them (Scroll > on the map):

    • stewart pid says:

      I really enjoyed that post by the waders. Imagine … cold and wet in the Arctic and no blow torch to bask in the glow of and cook marshmallows on. Steven please get Reggie back for a good verbal thrashing … pretty please!!
      Did u notice the complaint of salt water in their water supply and needing to find new fresh water?

      • stewart pid says:

        I just checked on the rowers and they are on the shore about 30 miles west of Cambridge bay and there is an east wind / headwind blowing at about 20 – 25 kph which is usually enough to stop their pig of a boat. Several more days of freezing their alarmist asses off!!

    • Sleepalot says:

      They’re about 60 miles (straight line) – 3 days walk – from safety. Now’s the time to construct the heroic narrative (“walking out of the wilderness”) that’ll attract the publishing deal. (The boat doesn’t seem to have moved for 24 hours.) Salt in the water supply? How on earth would that happen?

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Poor Mikey. His scam is collapsing around him, his reputation as a scientist is toast and all he can do now is offer up platitudes and scary stories.

    Can’t wait until he gets fired from his university for his Eco sins.

    Maybe he can learn to say “Would you like fries with that order?”

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