The Pain Is Just Beginning For Arctic Alarmists

Not only did Arctic ice make a spectacular recovery this year, but the remaining ice is relatively thick and the water is cold.

A year from now there will be a huge increase in the amount of multi-year ice in the western Arctic, and then alarmists are going to be completely screwed.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to The Pain Is Just Beginning For Arctic Alarmists

  1. F. Guimaraes says:

    2014 may enter to history as the last year anybody heard or talked about the AGW BS.
    Let’s cross our fingers, it may happen!:-)

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    Tell the Russians to keep their Ice Breakers away from the North pole during the melt season, they have several large Nuk powered ones and this one sailed in 2007 and has been making joy rides to the n pols during the summer melt season. Seems the more ice breakers on the water the more ice has melted during the summer in the Arctic.

    Tracks from Russia’s largest ice breaker, only one of a entire fleet that crush the ice in spring till summer then in the winter also.

    • Ben says:

      Thanks for documenting, Chris. Icebreakers increase the impact of ice-on-ice collisions, long after they leave the horizon. Near the fringes they increase ice transport rate out of the Fram Strait

  3. Shazaam says:

    They’ll just start back in on the global cooling.

    Count on it.

  4. Don says:

    They’ve already renamed whatever it is they think they know about the climate several times. The White House trotted out another name last week or so. They’ll merely say, see, we’re right! And more people will catch on to their lunacy.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    The Warmists continue to ramp up their rhetoric to distract from the Arctic ice torpedo in 2013.
    5 degrees of warming and 80 cm of sea level rise this century (8mm per annum?? Where??). UNIPCC leaking of the report continues. If this were a public company, the SEC (and ASX) would be all over them for corporate governance failures and insider trading.

  6. Eric Simpson says:

    A year from now there will be a huge increase in the amount of multi-year ice in the western Arctic, and then alarmists are going to be completely screwed.
    I don’t think so. The ecoloons will just say that that is what they predicted all along. It is consistent with their theory, it’s only a predictable blip as the Arctic will certainly be ice free by 2023. And by then it will be too late. Florida will be gone. Same with Manhattan, but that’s no huge loss. The Malibu Mansions will be fine, though, as the ice won’t melt into that part of the ocean.

  7. crosspatch says:

    Following this logic, after the 2009 and 2010 seasons, 2011 and 2012 should have had more ice but they didn’t. There was a pretty spectacular recovery after 2007 until 2010 then the amount of ice fell in 2011 and again in 2012 (yeah, I know, storm, etc). But 2011 should have seen a considerable amount of 2nd and 3rd year ice.

    This year the old ice is being shoved against North America so it is going to be preserved, though, so there might be something to the notion. We’ll just have to wait and see.

  8. John Edmondson says:

    A proper recovery will have to wait until the AMO turns cold around 2020. Most of the melting took place after the AMO went from cold to warm in 1995. Especially in the Barents and Kara seas.
    The alarmists might claim something ,who cares, there wrong.

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      I agree with the importance of the AMO, but the Sun is accelerating the process and probably shortening the length of the oscillation, e.g. the highly probable La Nina at the end of this year is being “forced” by low solar radiations.
      The flip of the AMO can happen well before 2020.

      • John Edmondson says:

        You are right F.Guimares. I am assuming a “normal” AMO cycle. As you pointed out the low solar activity could cause the a change in this.
        One thing is for sure the temperature of the Arctic air can’t,won’t and never has a large scale impact on the amount of ice around the pole.

        The sea and oceans,as with the rest of the planet, drive the climate.

        Work out what controls the temperature of the Ocean and you will have a chance of working out how the climate works.

  9. This is what the panic is about –

    Some people obviously have too much free time.

  10. Robertv says:

    Blacks will follow Obama to HELL

  11. margaret berger says:

    The alarmists are led by con men. The rest of the group are composed of useful idiots and sheeple. They will just switch the name of the con over and over to keep their place at the trough.

  12. margaret berger says:

    Hey Robertv,

    Thanks for the picture! My dad was one of the special chosen to stand in those trenches and observe. Lucky for me that was after my birth so I don’t have three eyes.

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