They Told Us To Wait Until The Summer Minimum

Earlier this year, our alarmist friends were whining that breathtakingly ignorant lay people are only allowed to look at Arctic ice at the summer minimum. Well the minimum is about here, and now they don’t want to talk about it. The buzzword now is “long term trends are down

Even if Arctic ice was at an all-time record high today, the linear trend would still be down since 1979. You can’t use a linear trend to model cyclical behavior.

Forgive me Mr. President, for I have sinned. I have looked at the sacred climate fraud documents for myself.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to They Told Us To Wait Until The Summer Minimum

  1. wulliejohn says:

    I think I would risk one eye.
    In a mirror.
    Through a dark filter.

  2. X says:

    “Even if Arctic ice was at an all-time record high today, the linear trend would still be down since 1979. You can’t use a linear trend to model cyclical behavior.”

    If you plot the linear trend of temperatures since the beginning of 1996 to present, you get a slightly positive trend, but it’s so small that the plot from mid 1996 to present it becomes negative,

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Ahhhh, those magical starting points. I wonder if they’d nail down the ‘correct’ climate for this planet if the Big Bang occurred a couple billion years earlier, or later.

  4. tom0mason says:

    …alarmist friends were whining that breathtakingly ignorant lay people are only allowed to look at Arctic ice at the summer minimum.

    I wouldn’t call them friends, they are alarmist idiot pandering to Big Governments’ wishes, while feasting at the Big Government’s (or oil company’s) trough of grant money. They have no rational thought processes and no discrimination between genuine data, opinion, and half truths. Some of these idiots sport a Phd, but all that means is they can move the shit till it’s Piled high ‘n deep. They are in all truth some of the biggest egoist on the planet, and care nought for the meaning of science (the search for truth), or about the human suffering that their balony will inflict on the world. There is little science in the climate catastrophism they preach, nothing but speculation and wild guesses back-up by fanasy computer modeling.

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