Looks like the rowers are headed backwards.
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well… uh, dunno, but……
1. No Motor
2. No Anchor
3. Strong wind
4. Boat shaped like sail
Not to mention the fact that the Northwest Passage is blocked by ice. A small, but somewhat important detail.
A seal stole our communications gear!! He was swimming so fast, we couldn’t wade fast enough to catch the little bastage!!!!
Then a polar bear jumped the seal and took both the seal and our comm set!!!!
Actually, if they’ve set off again after a long and serious Lamestream pep talk, they might be playing dodge-em with ice cake and a few medium floes here and there.
On the satellite image it appears there is a sand bar they are going around.
More like Ice bar.
It could have been but they got around it.
The ice around Cape Bexley looks to be in spectacular shape for hunting Polar Bears, but no so good for a rowboat -:)
They’re headed Nor’ East at present. Truly mad.
Last First Unit 1
Type :
Track Progress
Latitude :
Longitude :
Time :
4/8/2013 08:25:08
Battery State :
Latest from the plot.
Going backwards again. Ice?
Wherever they are now, they seem to have stopped for an hour. Maybe got the sea anchow down, as they seem to be drifting north on the southerly winds.
Thought they’d lost their sea anchor – unless they got another in Paulatuk.
No, they lost the land anchor. I guess the sea anchor is a bit of sail, so it would not stop them drifting.
Looks like they doubled back about 1.6 km when they realized they were getting into deeper water away from shore. Haven’t moved much in a couple hours now.
I’m getting the feeling that they’re being entrapped in ice flows and are looking for a way out. Hope I’m wrong
More likely the wind was too strong.
Oops: Floes.
Steve. Looking at the latest mainstream tracking plot (position 42) it would seem the rowers are following the route of your spoof Arctic ‘Death Spiral’. Did you send them the map?
Looks like they’re on track/plot 50 with seemingly nowhere to go. Funnily enough I watched Cleopatra last night for the first time, the one with Taylor and Burton. There is a final sea battle scene where Marc Anthony leads the Egyptian/Roman forces in to Octavia’s trap. In the end as with Octavia and the sea ice , there is nowhere to go.
Now they’ve made it past the sand bar, it looks like they’re just spinning in circles. No GPS for two hours.
The Reve de Glace kayak team seems to be making time following the coast–now at the north end of the second river delta (Brock Lagoon) east of Paulatuk.
Looks like they are being blown out to sea. Oh nooooo..