Twelfth Coldest January-August In The US Since 1930

Before NOAA data tampering, January-August 2013 has been the twelfth coldest in the US since 1930.

ScreenHunter_420 Aug. 26 10.33

NOAA is still obsessed with 2012, despite the fact that it was an outlier and not indicative of anything to do with climate.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Twelfth Coldest January-August In The US Since 1930

  1. R. de Haan says:

    We can no longer trust any of our Government, Government institutions like NOAA, nor can we trust MSM, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, you name it. It’s time to wake up.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    But something have the feed the “New Economy Revolution”:

    Couldn’t resist to copy this posing to the above article:

    “Here’s a weird engineering fact.
    The electric car from 1890 got exactly a travel range of 100 miles to a charge (all first cars were either electric or gas bag powered/human and pig shit powered). Which is 5 miles more in distance than better design, better batteries and the 90000% jump in cost for a car that does exactly the same thing.

    The more things change, the more the stay the same.”

    Only idiots will buy a Tesla.

  3. GeologyJim says:

    C’mon people, this graph only shows data – – unadjusted data, at that! [skoff]

    The Smart Set knows that The Truth is only revealed by models [hosanna, hosanna, hosanna].

  4. Andy DC says:

    All the global warming since 1980 simply represents a rebound back to 1930 levels. So it would appear that there are warm and cold cycles. What the hell is that supposed to prove?

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