Unaccountable War

Only Congress can declare war. The reason for that law is because only Congress is accountable to the citizenry of the US.

One way or another, Obama has faced his last election. He will either leave the White House peaceably in three years, or he will attempt a coup. But he won’t face another election. That makes him completely unaccountable to the American people and why it is absolutely essential that Congress makes it clear that he will be impeached if he goes to war without Congressional approval.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Unaccountable War

  1. omanuel says:

    Obama’s handler does not like for you to remind him of laws that might limit his effectiveness as a puppet.

    See this one-page synopsis:


    The book was first summarized in messages to the Congressional Space Science & Technology Committee:


    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Jim Asherman says:

    Rose Garden :

    “A dog, ate my homework. I’m sure of it.
    I wanted to kick that dog, but it’s uncle Vlad’s dog.
    I need the iPad to redo my homework. But my parents say it’s Uncle Harry’s iPad and I can’t borrow it till he gets back from Las Vegas, even though I wanted to get started on it tonight.
    I love homework. All redblooded Americans like me, love their homework.”

  3. Impeached? By the current collection of representatives? They don’t have the courage to change their socks let alone reinstate and insist on the terms and conditions of the constitution be met. To a man, they have sold out any wisp of a principle they may have had a long time ago. They ran for office. In my mind, that act alone disqualifies them from being able to fulfill the requirements of their office.

    The difference between a Democrat and a Republican is so close to zero you need a microscope to see it. Both grow government, both increase spending, both increase regulation over the economy and the acts of private individuals, and both go to war for imaginary slights against their frail egos. Both fail to address our real enemies and work to eliminate them. The major difference is in the different spelling of their party name and little else with real meaning to real people. All they do is argue over who to sacrifice to whom, how much, how fast, and for what reason but it is sacrifice of all to all, all the time.

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