Visualizing US Summer Warming Since 1936

In August 1936, almost the entire country was blistering hot – an incredible ten degrees above normal in the nation’s midsection.

ScreenHunter_48 Aug. 07 18.12

In August, 2013 the midwest is about five degrees below normal.

ScreenHunter_49 Aug. 07 18.13

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Uncontrolled global warming has caused US summers to cool about 15 degrees since 1936. Write your Congressperson and demand that they cooperate to put an end to this.

ScreenHunter_50 Aug. 07 18.19

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Visualizing US Summer Warming Since 1936

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    Whew. Made it past the picture of Newt and Nancy w/o vomiting. I’m sure this is a fairly exclusive group.

  2. Caleb says:

    Back around 1985, while bumming around out west, I met a Kansas farmer who grew up in the Dust Bowl. His family was so tough they never lost their farm. The stories he told were amazing.

    I’ll tell a couple, but I’ll fail to do his tale justice.

    Thermometers speak for themselves. The heat was murder.

    How dry was it? It was so dry static electricity became a problem. The spark plugs in cars would not work, until someone figured out the cars needed to be grounded, so people began driving about with a chain attached to the car’s frame and dragging behind. Cat’s wouldn’t allow anyone to pet them, their fur crackled so badly.

    How long did it last? The farmer I listened to said it lasted his entire childhood, so that he assumed hot and dusty was what Kansas was like, and when the world became green again he thought it was weird, (but also very wonderful, because the farmers who survived became rich and drove Cadillacs.)

    I suppose now, 27 years later, that old guy is long gone. Good thing, because if he was alive, and heard anyone say recent summers were “worse than the 1930’s,” I fear he’d act now and think later, and his action would be a swift uppercut to liar’s jaw.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      That’s probably right Caleb, because the old Kansan would have been tough as nails and worked hard on the land all his life and known that it’s a leftist elitist scammer trying to tell him the bull that it is hotter now and that we need to cut back on our energy and way of life, when the man had struggled all his life to achieve security and a decent life, so he’d probably have decked the warmist scammer.

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    More and more I think there is evidence that the US and perhaps the world was hotter during the 1930s than now. Definitive proof on that would in one fell swoop take a Chinese silkworm missile to the hull of the SS-AGW. Of note, we we’re cooling from ~ 1940 to 1975 or so when the big ice age scare was gaining momentum. And at least some metrics (as satellite?) show not a huge amount of warming since the ’70s. The thirties could very well have been warmer. If so, global warming is done.

    And poor old Newt, like so many conservatives by around 2005 when Gore made is slick deception filled movie, the usually reliable Newt like so many others was bowled over by the leftist scam. A shame.

    • Caleb says:

      I think history will show that both the erasure of the MWP when the Vikings Settled Greenland, and the erasure of the Dust Bowl, were planned out and part of a fraud. Some deem it merely mistakes made due to bias, however it is too blatant, and had to be planned out beforehand, in my humble opinion.

      • shazaam says:

        I think you’re giving them to much credit. The erasures occurred because the warming trends weren’t scary enough to get big grants. The “mistakes” persisted when the warming didn’t happen.

        I don’t think warmistas are bright enough to have planned this in advance. It’s too big a mess to have been thought out.

        They “felt” it was warming and in order to coerce the population into doing what the warmistas wanted, they faked the data and hoped the climate would follow their lead.

        In any case, the global cooling crowd got some of what they wanted with all the pollution control legislation and the EPA. The warmistas were hoping they would get all of their legislation before their scam fell apart.

        • Caleb says:

          Eventually the truth will come out, partly because some people develop consciences and confess, and partly because people without consciences brag.

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