We Are Alarmists – We Don’t Deal In Facts


Heat Waves Projected To Double By 2020, Quadruple By 2040

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to We Are Alarmists – We Don’t Deal In Facts

  1. Disillusioned says:

    LOVE IT!

    • Disillusioned says:

      I wonder how many of the terminally ignorant will even see it. Your wonderful post is buried inside: “There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All”

  2. samitee says:

    I dunno why you waste your time at the Huffington Compost, Steve. 🙂

  3. @NJSnowFan says:

    Great and True Reply to Kevin with Real Data links. He mush of been brainwashed by watching TWC or CNN.


  4. It still amazes me (even though it should not) how brainwashed some of these idiots are.

    They truly are the flat earthers.

  5. kepler says:

    Excellent job you are doing Steve in spreading the truth.

    • kepler says:

      If you can get the clueless 51% down to the clueless 49%, then maybe we’ll have a better chance in the next election to reinstall some sanity in our government.

  6. Disillusioned says:

    Wow, the ignorance of some of the ‘contributors’ at Huffing & Puffing is really scary!

    The same guy (KevinD) who falsely decried “false” to actual climate FACTS, also claimed at 11:03 that no human has ever breathed air at 400ppm before now:

    “No human has ever breathed air at these concentrations until now, because humans hadn’t evolved yet.” “None of your human ancestors experienced 400ppm. We are conducting an experiment, whether we want to or not.”

    ROFLOL!!!! You can’t make this stuff up!

    Well, Kevin, I have news for you. Unless you live in the woods and never go inside, you have been experiencing concentrations of CO2 in the air you breath every day that are greater than 400ppm, your entire life. Even your ancestors experienced greater than 400ppm, if they lived/ate/ slept in any type shelter, and that would include caves (especially caves).

    I conduct this “experiment” every day in my home with a constant CO2 monitor, and it has never recorded a concentration of CO2 as low as 400ppm–never, ever. And that’s with all my windows open. I spend the majority of my days inside a building, as do most humans, and I frequently breath concentrations of CO2 greater than double that of 400ppm. Everybody does.

    Closed-up in the winter I’m breathing a CO2 concentration of around 800ppm (and so is everybody else). And I’ll experience no “warming” unless I turn on the furnace (the power source of which comes from a fossil fuel).

    Offices and schools can frequently have concentrations of greater than 1,000ppm. Unless you sleep in the woods, you’re sleeping every night in an environment with a concentration of CO2 of easily around 700ppm, if your bedroom door is left open. If you close it, or you sleep with another human, pet or pets in the room, CO2 concentrations in the room will be much greater than that.

    Right now my CO2 monitor is reading 447ppm, with windows open; that’s about as low as it will ever get in my house. (It’s never been this cool in mid-August before for me to have my AC off and all my windows open, but I digress.)

    Kevin, your 400ppm “experiment” is a NON-issue.

    After Steve posted links to the actual data showing Kevin was wrong about all of his “false” claims, a cocky one who calls himself “ILoveFiction That’s unbelievable!” who must think he’s really witty, posted an ad hominem challenging against Steven’s integrity–at 1:10 PM:

    “Oh look. Trickster in chief Steven Goddard dropped in!”

    Rolling my eyes.

  7. Lou says:

    Wow. Talk about true science deniers! Didn’t Navy do studies on how high CO2 content humans can tolerate for submarines? I remember it being high but not sure on exact numbers.

  8. Aurora Svant says:

    The following page (about CO2 snow cleaning) presents an interesting table of the physiological effects of prolonged exposure to an atmosphere with high CO2 concentration :


    It seems 1% is very tolerable for even 3 months (1% is 10,000 ppm), which is the current standard for submarine, and 3% is still tolerable for a short time (which is the currently tolerated temporary peak value for submarines). Ill effects described for the 3% and above figure are “Brain functions deteriorate above this level – Heavy Breathing”.

    This data has been established for submarine design, not for “climate” grant-whoring, so we can assume it has some practical value (read : not bullshit).

    So, this means that until the Earth atmospheric CO2 concentration increases to around 50 times the current value, humans can breathe without risk.

  9. suyts says:

    Alright Steve, I’ve got ask. How is it that they still let you comment over there? I’ve had 5 different profiles banned from commenting on HuffPo!!!!

    • Disillusioned says:

      Wow, that is so sad.

      If none of the data agrees with experiment, change the data, and censor/block/ban/blackball all dissenters.

    • RealOldOne2 says:

      Not only have I been banned at HuffPo, but they’re removed all my posts, which were too full of links to empirical science & made fools of the CAGW-by-CO2 doomsday climate cultists there.

    • suyts says:

      What’s sad is that I don’t swear or anything on such forums. I just do like Steve does. But, I’ve given up on HuffPo, it’s too much of a pain to keep coming up with new identities.

  10. David Jay says:

    Don’t know who 3GHtweets is, but any fan of Milton Friedman is a friend of mine!


  11. Disillusioned says:

    Think before posting.
    471 Fans
    35 minutes ago ( 7:30 PM)
    If it’s not true, and if you are wrong, the consequences are extremely serious.

    How certain are you that you are right, and how do you know, since the people who actually understand the climate in depth don’t agree with you?

    The consummate smack down:

    744 Fans
    17 minutes ago ( 7:49 PM)
    Dear Climate,

    I have a degree in both Physics and Chemistry, I understand how IR energy interacts with matter.

    The key issue is CO2 has a double bond, so it does not react over large frequency ranges, but the ones it does react with, it has very high Q value.

    This means it hit saturation at very low quantities in the air.

    The result is at 400 PPM CO2 has done 92 percent of what it can do.

    So if you created it to say 8000 PPM, it would only cause a 0.6 C rise in temperatures.

    I do not know much about the climate at all, but I know a lot about the science of this.

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