What Lie Will They Use This Winter?

Last winter they blamed all the cold and snow on missing Arctic ice. With Arctic ice extent now close to the highest in a decade, what lies will the experts fabricate for the cold weather in the coming winter?

ScreenHunter_235 Aug. 05 08.17

Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss | Environment | theguardian.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to What Lie Will They Use This Winter?

  1. WPBHurricane05 says:

    So wait…are they claiming AGW is causing the Arctic to migrate south? WTF?

  2. Glacierman says:

    Who knows, they are pretty good at it. They speak from a higher plain of knowledge and the media believes them without question. Kind of like the POTUS.

  3. buttersaw says:

    They will tell us “CO2 is a greenhouse gas and sometimes a coolant. It depends on latitude and time of year.”

  4. Otter says:

    Do not forget, they also tried to blame cold winters on hot summers. You should prep a list of all the lies they have spun on this.

  5. Norm says:

    They will claim victory over whatever they call it now. In today’s local paper someone had a letter published in which he called it “climate disruption”. So this Winter they will claim victory over “climate disruption” (with a big BUT)…..but we must continue along the same path of preventing climate disruption.

  6. Chuck L says:

    The Arctic Ocean is relatively small in area. Even if what they say is true, how much additional heat and moisture will the Arctic Ocean add to the atmosphere? It’s not like the water is 75 – 80 degree F. I also would love to know the exact scientific process by which this heat and moisture can shift the northern jet stream south. If anything, it seems like warmer temperatures and more moisture would cause lower pressures over the Arctic which would pull the jet north.

    • In 1975, they blamed jet stream dips on excess Arctic ice and global cooling.

    • squid2112 says:

      Even if what they say is true, how much additional heat and moisture will the Arctic Ocean add to the atmosphere?

      It cannot be true. Think about it for a second. Snow and ice provide the Arctic ocean with an insulator, not a coolant! Do you suppose Eskimos build igloos to stay cool? It is a rare event to see so much bullshit rolled into a single article. Without snow or ice to cover, the Arctic ocean loses heat, and loses it quite rapidly. Again, the bullshit in this article is deeper than the Marianas trench!

  7. gator69 says:

    I am certain that it will be more than one.

  8. In what passes for their minds, they believe that anything can cause anything. All they have to do is say it and it is so. Especially if it is parroted by the MSM and politicians. Then, if reality does not obey, all they need to do is rewrite history and once again, all is good.

    The dogma of Postmodern Philosophy and Post Normal Science will be upheld at all costs even if reality disagrees. That it does not work is a feature not a bug. It was never supposed to work. It is the failure of their policies that is used as the justification for them to double down on the failure and to do more of the same. They don’t and never did mean well.

    Such is the pay off of over 100 years of progressive public education from pre-K to PhD.

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      It’s a transition to a subjective “Reality”. Such is necessary for progressive ideology to make sense.

      • “Credo quia absurdum” (attributed to third century A.D., Tertullianus) returns in full force. It roughly translates to “I believe it because it is absurd.” However, there is no need to question an absurdity to know its purpose. All you need to do is discover what it accomplishes and THAT will be its purpose.

        The “progressive” absurdity accomplishes the destruction of rational thought and the ability to ask and answer crucial questions. This leads to the collapse of western civilization and the demise of the bulk of mankind who’s lives are dependent upon its maintenance. The resultant despair, poverty, death, and destruction is the ultimate purpose of our Postmodern Post Normal “progressive” elite’s words and deeds.

        As I said, they don’t and never did mean well. They learned well from the lessons of the 20th Century and intend to double down on those lessons.

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