WWII General : “American poison gas production alone exceeds Germany’s”

ScreenHunter_04 Aug. 31 06.03

Major-General Port, Chief of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Research Bureau ….. explained that American poison gas production alone exceeds Germany’s, and the total Allied production is vastly superior to the Axis.American secret gas weapons include a chemical mortar firing 2 shells a minute at an extreme angle.


The US may not have used any of these weapons against soldiers. Instead, we used napalm and nuclear weapons on hundreds of thousands of civilians.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to WWII General : “American poison gas production alone exceeds Germany’s”

  1. Pathway says:

    Thank god we had the balls to use them.

  2. I like Sarah Palin’s comment.

    The US is going to bomb Syria because Syria bombed Syria.

  3. David, UK says:

    @ Pathway

    Deliberately missing the point, or just a bit dim?

  4. GoneWithTheWind says:

    The ONLY reason Germany did not use poison gas is BECAUSE we had a stockpile of poisonous gas to use in retaliation. Those stockpiles saved lives.

    The japanese estimates of Japanese deaths in the event the U.S. was forced to invade was 20 million. They estimated they would kill 4 million of our troops. Those were their estimates!! Our estimates were lower but still in the millions. The simple act of using two nukes prevented all those additional deaths. Than god we had those two nukes and ended the war before millions more were killed.

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